Chapter Thirty Three:Advanced

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I watched as my math teacher wrote an equation for us to solve on the board. I was incredibly bored out of my mind, twice as much since Theo wasn't around.

But, today was Friday and he would arrive tonight so at least this day would get better. The whole week was completely boring without him. Sure I've spent some time with the Elite and Jacelyn and ignoring Kimberly as she stayed in the lounge but nothing was more lovely than Theo being around.

Our promises to FaceTime every night weren't forgotten and we'd usually FaceTime at least three to five hours tops. For me, that is long. Apparently, he would proclaim how much he missed my face and would mostly stare at me rather than talk when we Facetimed.

"Miss West, pay attention!" My math teacher shouted at me since I was daydreaming again. I quickly apologized before continuing to solve the given equation.

"So Math was a total buzz," I told Theo over the phone as I attempted to open my locker single handedly, while also balancing my school bag on my knee

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"So Math was a total buzz," I told Theo over the phone as I attempted to open my locker single handedly, while also balancing my school bag on my knee.

"Let me guess, it's getting boring without my presence, isn't it, love?" he predicted and I laughed, getting the textbook for next class.

"Oh, please, I don't even have any classes with you. I would be bored in class with or without your presence." I admitted shutting my locker before continuing "By the way, how long until you come back?" I asked, making my way down the hall.

"Well I just left the airport, and there's a bit of traffic, so one to two hours at most?" He said sounding not really sure.

I sighed "Okay then, I can't wait to see you. Love you, Woods," I said.

"Love you too, West," he responded. We said our goodbyes before hanging up.

"Wow, at this rate just get married already!" I immediately jumped at the sudden snide voice and turned to see Jacelyn and Samuel behind me. I rolled my eyes at Samuel's presence.

"Wow, at this rate I thought you would have already fucked off by now Samuel!" I snapped back, crossing my arms with a stern look. He only smirked.

"Avalon, you sure know how to hold a grudge, don't you? You forgave Leo, yet you can't forgive me, hypocrite." he whined with a fake pout and Jacelyn smiled and I turned to her, ignoring his comment.

"What are you even doing with this guy? Last time I checked, you guys were on the outs too." I asked and Jacelyn shrugged.

"Turns out both of us like Orange is the New Black and we bonded over it," she stated and he nodded. I threw another loathing glare at Samuel before turning back to her.

"Great. What's next, you guys become best friends now?" I mentally facepalmed. I mean, I guess them being besties wasn't so bad, but Jacelyn is way too innocent to be hanging around a poisonous snake like Samuel Martin.

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