Chapter Two:Elite

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I applied lipstick to my lips as I stared at myself in my vanity mirror. I smirked, red lipstick suited me well. I turned to see Amber curling her long black raven hair since she had just finished putting on her makeup.

The party was going to start in about an hour or so, I had already dropped Ace at his friends house and after I came home, I immediately got ready and Amber came a few minutes later after that.

I looked down at my outfit, a blue sparking dress that stopped at my mid thigh, showing my curves. My long brown hair was curled into perfection, along with my makeup.

"Okay Amber, let's hurry up and get the snacks, alcohol, and music set," I instructed. She stood up. Amber was wearing a crop top, skirt and heels.

We made our way down the stairs and saw Aiden along with some football players setting up things for the party.

"Damn Avalon, looking sexy as always," Alex commented, Aiden smacked the back of his head.

"Dude that's my sister, shut the fuck up!"

I rolled my eyes as me and Amber went into the basement to get the alcohol. We had a secret stash here, it was usually Amber who had to buy it because my dad knows my card information and always checked what I bought, so if he saw I went to a beer store to buy alcohol he would have my head.


We took as much as we could carry and walked back upstairs.

The snacks were already in place and so was the music.

"What time will people start to come?" I asked and Aiden looked at his watch.

"I'd say about ten minutes or so," he said and I nodded.

I brought out some red plastic cups and placed them on the kitchen center island, along with paper plates for the snacks.

Me and Amber placed the alcohol next to the red cups.

Once everyone checked that everything was set we heard the door bell ring.

"Let the fun begin," Will said, rubbing his hands in delight as soon as Aiden opened the front door, allowing a bunch of people to enter into the house.

I welcomed some of them as they made their way to our biggest living room in our mansion.

The music was loud as Travis Scott's Astroworld album was playing. I walked over to the kitchen and poured myself a small amount of whiskey before tipping my head back and allowing all of its content to burn down my throat.

Definitely needed that.

I poured myself another glass and entered the living room where the party was taken place.

I saw Aiden laughing uncontrollably as he spoke to some friends, it was obvious that he was already drunk.

I tried to look for Amber until I heard someone say my name, "oh, hey Avalon," I turned to see a bunch of girls looking at me with admiration.

Let me tell you something about me, I wasn't your cliche bitchy popular girl, okay? Don't get it twisted, I was actually nice to those who were on my good side, but if you tried to mess with me, then you will be sorry of course. Sure, I can be rude sometimes or act spoilt, but at the end of the day, I did still have a heart.

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