Chapter Eight:Dashing

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"Avalon, I am going to ask you one final time, are you definitely sure you want to do this?" Jacelyn asked as she held a bucket, blue dye, tape, water and a rope in her hand.

I rolled my eyes and put my hair into a neat bun, "yes, Jacelyn, that asshole called me a whore yesterday, a fucking whore, no man, and I mean no man calls Avalon Riley West a whore unless they want their balls kicked up their asses." I mumbled, removing my earrings and placing them on the desk near my bed.

She raised her eyebrow, "well...did you, in fact, kick his balls up his arse?" she asked.

I huffed before turning around to her, "no, he was so lucky Leonardo held me back or I would have gone all apeshit on him," I said.

Jacelyn chuckled, "I would have loved to watch that," she said.

I smirked, "-and I would have loved if you watched that as well." I grabbed the blue dye, water and tape from her whilst she carried the rest as we exited the dorm room.

It was Tuesday and now after school, so I said 'hey, why not just prank that piece of shit now?'.

"I hope he doesn't catch us and skin us alive afterwards," she mumbled as we walked into the elevator.

I raised my eyebrow at her before pressing the button to the last floor, "how are you so sure he will be at the lounge during this time anyway?" She questioned and I smirked.

"Because Leonardo told me so," I said and she gently hit my side with her elbow.

"I see you two are becoming closer, cute," she said and I playfully rolled my eyes as the elevator opened and we walked out to the reception, then outside.

"Please, I just met him, besides, you said it yourself, he's a player," I said.

"No, I said he's both a player and not a player at the same time," she pointed out and I huffed.

"Still categorized underneath the word player," I said, opening the door to the front of the school, only a few students were inside by now and the hallways were almost deserted.

She shrugged, "you get what you get and you don't get upset," she said and I groaned.

"I hated when my third-grade teacher kept repeating that to us, I felt like strangling her," I murmured as we made our way to the lounge.

", not all of them are inside, correct?" She questioned.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "why do you ask?" I reply and she shrugged.

"Just, um, wondering," she said. I decided not to pry into why she was particularly so scared if they had caught us, to be honest, I would be delighted for Theo to know it's me who had pulled this prank on him, but for the sake of Jacelyn and I's new friendship, I promised her we wouldn't get caught.

"Well Leonardo said Ethan, Ivan, and Evelyn usually come later on," I eased.

We now stood in front of the lounge door and Jacelyn quietly placed the bucket on the floor so Leonardo and Theo wouldn't hear us.

"Okay, first let's put the blue dye and water inside the bucket," I said quietly and she nodded.

We quietly put the water and dye inside and shook the bucket gently so the liquids would mix well, I next brought out the tape and rope.

"Give me a lift," I murmured whispering.

She somehow managed to lift me on her shoulders as I placed the rope above the door and used the tape to keep it in place.

She lowered me down onto the floor and I slowly yet very quietly opened the lounge door, I peeked inside to see Theo and Leonardo talking quietly amongst themselves.

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