Chapter Three:Deluxe

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We all walked into Dad's office as Mom closed the door behind her, Dad sat down in the chair behind his desk as Mom stood next to him, a scowl on her face as both me and Aiden stood in front of them uncomfortably.

Dad rubbed his face with his palms and sighed, looking down at his table, "I believed we made it clear that there would be no parties and what do you guys do? you have a party." He said, a hint of anger obvious in his voice, as well as disappointment.

"Who's idea was this?" Mom asked sternly.

"It was mine," Aiden said immediately, I looked at him with confusion.

Why is he lying? He and I both knew it was my idea for this party in the first place, in fact, I was always the one to plan the parties when Mom and Dad were gone, the only problem was this time we have been caught.

I sighed, I wasn't going to let Aiden take the blame when it was clearly my doing.

"No, it was my idea, I'm the one who came up with the idea of the party, not Aiden, I take full responsibility," I said quietly.

Dad looked up at stared at both of us as Mom rested her left hand behind Dad's chair, shaking her head unhappily.

"Where's Ace?" Dad asked.

Me and Aiden quickly glanced at each other before speaking, "um, at his friend's house, Paul's house to be exact," I said quickly.

Dad's breathing hitched and Mom clenched her fist.

"I can't believe you two were so irresponsible, especially you Aiden, I left you in charge and this is what happens!" Dad shouted angrily.

"Don't blame it on him Dad, okay? I forced him to," I said and Aiden narrowed his eyes at me before frowning.

"No she didn't," he said.

"Just keep quiet, you're both grounded for a month with no electronic devices, we will continue this discussion tomorrow morning. Go to your rooms!" Mom ordered sternly.

Mom rarely snapped at us, but when she did, it's best if you run away as fast as possible.

Me and Aiden immediately left Dad's office and I close the door behind me.

"Shit," I cursed, combing my brown locks of hair with my hand nervously.

Aiden let out a shaky breath and nodded. "God, we're so dead," he said rubbing his face.

"Don't worry, we're just grounded Aiden, Mom and Dad won't do anything serious, you know they are not like that," I said, reassuring him. He nodded and relaxed a bit.

Aiden was the type of person who wanted Mom and Dad to see him as a responsible child, after all, he was the first child, despite us being twins, he owed it to himself to always watch over me and Ace. That's why he always puts us before himself and I was really grateful for that.

I gently tugged his arm, indicating it's best if we go upstairs so Dad wouldn't shout at us again.

Once we got upstairs, we parted ways and I lazily laid on my bed, just staring at my ceiling.

God, I'm doomed.

I quickly got my phone from my nightstand and dialled Amber's number, she picked up after the third ring.

'Did you make it home safely?' I asked her, I heard shifting so I assumed she was already home on her bed.

She sighed, 'yeah, but I got grounded, I thought my parents were asleep when I left, hoping it would remain that way until I came back, but sadly they weren't and now I'm grounded for a whole week and I have to give them my phone tonight' she said, groaning at the end.

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