Chapter Twenty Six:Noble

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I moaned as Theo attacked my neck with his lips. I giggled as he playfully nibbled it.

He returned his lips back to mine as he placed his left hand underneath my shirt and rested it on my stomach.

Our tongues battled for dominance as I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as we laid on his bed making-out heavily.

I bit my lip to suppress myself from moaning as he began to grind his body on mine heavily as he began to kiss my collarbone before slowly raising my top up to expose my pink lacy bra.

He looked at me and smirked before gently kissing both my breasts. He quickly removed my shirt and was about to remove my bra.

I groaned when my cell phone rang, Theo was panting softly as rested his head in the crook of my neck. I reached for my phone on Theo's nightstand and looked to see the caller.

I saw Aiden's name pop up and I pressed answer.

'Hello?' I said with a raspy voice before I cleared my throat. 'Hey, Aiden,' I said, I heard him chuckle on the other side of the line.

'Hey, baby sis. Why are you breathing so hard?' He asked.

I bit my lip. 'N-No reason, I mean I just came back from jogging, so, yeah,' I replied.

I bit my lip when Theo began to suck on my neck again, I tried to push him off but he held my free hand tightly above my head as he began to assault my neck once again.

"Shit," I moaned and immediately shut my mouth.

'Avalon, are you okay?' Aiden asked.

'Y-Yeah I just have a lot of homework to do so I'll talk to you later, bye, love you,' I hung up before he could even respond. Theo raised his head from my neck and smirked at me.

I scoffed and playfully hit his arm. "You asshole, if my brother found out what was going on, he would literally fly here and destroy you," I said, laughing at the end.

He captured my lips once again and I deepened it as his hands traced down my waist before landing between my thighs.

I broke away from the kiss and checked the clock on his bedroom wall. "I have to head to class now," I said, he nodded as he removed himself from on top of me and I stood up quickly wearing my shirt.

"I'll see you later," I said, pecking his lips as I made my way out of his bedroom to his front door and left.

It's only been a week since Theo and I confirmed our liking for one another and it has been great, we agreed to take things slow and get to know each other better, that's the same thing my mom and dad did and it turned out well for them. I've seen a lot of relationships fail miserably because they barely knew their partner, and if this thing with Theo does work itself out I just want to make sure there are no obstacles between us.

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