Chapter Eleven:Fashionable

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"Well, it all began a few years ago, I wasn't popular or anything," she began as I slowly began to sip my soup, she glared at me when I starting making slurping sounds.

"Sorry, proceed," I said.

She sighed, "so fast forward - I was getting picked on because of my skin color," she said and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Wait...hold up, but there are other black girls in this school?" I mean, I have seen some black girls.

She huffed, "Avalon, there are only around ten black girls in this school, still a minority. Anyway, I was getting bullied because of my skin color," she said again.

I rolled my eyes, "we live in the twenty-first century people, enough with being racist. God, people make me so sick!" I muttered.

She nodded, "it's not fair because it's not just blacks getting racist discrimination. Chinese, Spanish, Irish, even whites get racist discrimination," she said sighing before she continued, "so basically Ethan was walking down the halls one day and he saw I was being bullied and told the girls off. I didn't have many friends so we started hanging out, I became close friends with the Elite as well, me and Ethan developed feelings for each other, we started dating and then...the hate got worst, people wondering why he was dating someone like me. So after dating for two months, I broke it off with him," she explained, standing up.

"And then I told him to never speak to me again," she said and my face grew weary with confusion.

"Wait, but you said something about him not defending you?" I questioned.

She huffed, "Ugh, I was hoping you would forget about that, but yeah, he didn't defend me while we were dating, it's not because he didn't want to, but it was because he didn't like interacting with people besides his friends. Which was another reason why I broke it off with him," she informed, grabbing some water from the fridge.

I finished the last bit of my soup before talking, "so...are you guys, like, back together?" I asked, receiving a shrug.

"I don't know, I still have to talk to him about it. I don't know if I'm ready to get back together with him, you know the hate and shit," she said.

"Wait, but who exactly was hating on you to begin with, like which people to be exact?" I questioned and she rolled her eyes.

"Kimberly Prescott, let me just break it down for you, she's the Regina George of Royal Hills Academy, it's as simple as that." She sat back down next to me with her glass of water.

"Wow, so she's racist and let me guess, obsessed with the Elite?"

She nodded.

"Figured," I said sighing.

"You are lucky you haven't met her yet, since Leonardo caused such a scene today to sit at our table, prepare to feel her wrath very soon," she warned.

I groaned, "great, now I have to deal with another Chelsea."

"Chelsea?" She said and I nodded.

"She's this girl at my old high school that hates me because I was more popular than her. We had been rivals since the seventh grade," I said and Jacelyn chuckled.

"Well enough about sad topics, give me all the details about you and Leonardo," she said squealing and I laughed.

"It's simple really, he came here to check up on me, then asked me out. I said yes, he kissed my cheek then left," I told and Jacelyn covered her mouth with her hands.

"Bloody hell, he kissed your cheek? Wow, second base already, congratulations," she said, high-fiving me.

I chuckled, "Jacelyn, it was just a peck on the cheek, it's not a big deal," I said and she frowned.

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