Chapter Twenty Four:High-Caliber

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Theo stumbled back as soon as Justin's fist connected with his nose. He brought his hand up to his nose and touched it then looked at his bloody palms.

I looked at Justin to see him smirking at Theo, as if he actually thought he would win this fight.

Haha, he thought.

In a blink of an eye, Theo pushed Justin against one of the lockers, the sound was not pleasant and I could tell there would be a dent in that locker afterwards.

Theo wasted no time in punching Justin furiously in the face, Justin still stood his ground despite almost growing unconscious.

I shifted my eyes to Theo to see a cold smirk on his face as he watched Justin crumble before him.

Justin dropped to the ground as students started to circle around us, wanting to know what was going on.

Theo didn't stop there, he began to kick Justin stomach hard making him cough out blood from his mouth.

"Theo, that's enough, stop," I said walking towards him.

He picked up an unconscious Justin and once again, pushed him against the locker again, and again. Each sound being more louder and deadlier.

"Theo, I said to stop right fucking now!" I screamed.

He looked at me and his dark grey stormy eyes returned back to their normal state.

He looked back at Justin who was already knocked out and flung him to the ground like he was trash.

Theo stared at the other Anti-Elite group members who had come to help their leader.

"If any of you try that, I will make sure the damage will be far worse than what I've done to your nonce of a leader," he growled, his grey eyes turning almost black once again.

They all looked up at him with fear and nervousness and nodded furiously.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up," I said tugging Theo's shirt as we made our way to the dormitory building.

"I don't need your help," he said harshly removing my hand from his grip, I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay," I said, shrugging and was about to make my way back to the schools' building.

"Wait," Theo said, gripping my shoulder gently.

I turned to him and raised my eyebrow "Do you want my help or not, Theo?" I said impatiently.

He sighed and combed through his black hair with his fingers.

"Yes, please," he begged, my lips formed into a straight line before I laughed grabbing his hand as we made our way to the dormitory building.

"My room or yours?" I asked.

"Mine, I guess," he said and I nodded as I opened the door to the dorm building.

We walked inside and entered the elevator silently until we made our way to his dorm room, or rather again, penthouse.

He unlocked the door and opened it for me, I thanked him as I walked inside.

The sight of his room still magnified me. I was just so in love with the decor and how neat it was. Someone like me, I was a crazy neat freak just like my mother, both of us hated areas where the seats weren't clean or the area wasn't organized.

Even my dad was a neat freak, come to think of it, my whole family were crazy neat freaks.

I strolled towards the kitchen area and went into the cabinet that had the first aid kit in it. I remembered where it was last time. I opened the cabinet and removed the first aid.

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