Chapter Thirty Four:Au-Courant

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"Okay, so I think I have everything checked." I closed my pink Gucci suitcase once I had finished packing.

"Same here, thank you for letting me and the rest join you back to the states. I've only been there about six times." Jacelyn shrugged closing her Chanel suitcase. I smiled as I rested all my luggage near the door.

"So, how was dinner with Theo parents?" She asked and I smiled.

"They are the perfect family, like they were so nice. I was expecting something else. By the way, were you ever going to tell me he was adopted?" I suddenly asked her.

She bit her lip. ", I mean, I thought you knew. I assumed you're the type of girl that searches up her billionaire boyfriend on the Internet." she said nervously. I slightly chuckled at the misconception.

"Well whatever, he seems happy and that's all that matters." I stated.

"Yes, finally returning to the state, bitches!" Ethan walked in excitedly wearing American flag sunglasses that lit up, a Statue of Liberty hat, an American shirt with Uncle Tom on it, white pants, and stars 'n' stripes Vans.

"Oh, dear God." Jacelyn said, slightly frowning after looking at her boyfriend from head to toe. She turned to me. "Please help me out with 'this'."

I shook my head in disappointment "Your boyfriend, your problem." I said softly patting her shoulder in sympathy before walking past Ethan, shaking my head.

"Tell the others to be in Theo's limo in fifteen minutes." I ordered before taking my luggage with a little struggle and walked towards the elevator as other students began to fill the elevator. Basically, everyone was leaving by either today, tomorrow, or Sunday for home.

Once the elevator opened to the reception I struggled with my suitcase. No way I'm bringing five bags ever again. Don't they have bell hoppers or something here?

I sighed in relief making my way to the parking lot to see Theo by his limo, talking to his driver. "Oh, fuck." I said, immediately dumping all luggage to the ground and resting my body on the trunk of the limo. Theo and Charles his driver turned towards me with shocked faces.

"Avalon, why didn't you call me to assist you with your carry on?" Theo asked. I gasped for air to catch my breath before answering.

"I don't know, just didn't feel like it." I said as we both put our luggage in the trunk.

"Why are you bringing all your baggage? Most leave half of theirs at the dorm," Theo informed.

I turned to him, looking at him as if he was from Mars. "Um hello, the new rose gold Gucci suitcases just came out yesterday and these ones are so last season. Do you want me to carry last season suitcases, Theo? Huh? Do you?" I asked him a bit offended that he didn't care.

He stared at me with a blank look and continued talking to Charles.

What a bitch, I thought as I was glaring at the back of Theo's curly sexy black hair-

No, Avalon. Now's not the time to get turned on. I reminded myself. The rest of the Elite and, ugh, Samuel emerged. Yeah, Leo knows just how to persuade me when it comes to Samuel.... by buying me lunch.

"Alright people, best we move now. My father said the pilot for our private plane is already on board and waiting for us at the airport." Ivan stated.

"No, I prefer Leo and Theo's private plane better, the flight attendants give us candy. Your flight attendants do not give us candy." Ethan whined and Evelyn rolled her eyes, annoyed at her brother's behavior.

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