Chapter Twenty Five:Five-Star

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"W-What?" Was all I could say as Theo stood in front of me. He still continued to stare at me.

"I said I fucking love you," he said, his voice was a little raspy, I closed my eyes and took a huge deep breath.

"You can't," I said opening my eyes. He looked shocked at my answer. Hurt immediately formed in his eyes.

"Is it because you still like Leo?" He asked, there was a hint of jealousy in his voice. I shook my head no.

"Theo, I just, what I'm trying to say is, there's no point of you loving me," I stated.

His face grew in confusion. "And why is that?" He asked and I bit my lip.

I sighed sitting down on his couch, making me face him.

"My stay here was never permanent, Theo. The reason why I came here was because this was a form of punishment by my parents," I said, he let out a shaking breath.

"Can't you stay?" He asked and I looked down.

"I can, but the problem is...I don't want to stay," I said looking up at him, his jaw clenched and the grip he had on the couch tightened.

"I don't belong here, Theo. This isn't my world," I said standing up.

"But you do belong here, Avalon. And you know it," he said, his voice grew to whispers.

I shook my head furiously. "I can't, I'm sorry," I said walking past him.

He immediately gripped my arm. "At least tell me if you feel some way towards me, even if it's barely," he said.

I looked into his grey eyes. To be honest, I'm still confused about my emotions towards Theo. All these emotions are now surfacing on me. The problem was maybe I was starting to have feelings for Theo, maybe I always have, but never took a deep thought into it.

I removed my grip from Theo and walked towards the door. I turned to look at him as I placed my hand on the door handle. "I don't, Theo. I'm sorry, but I can not return my feelings for you. It's best if you forget about me before you get your heart broken," Immediately as I said that I opened the door and left.

This was the right decision, I'm making the right choice, me and Theo's worlds were similar, but yet so different at the same time. I wasn't doing this for me, I was doing this for him.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

What am I doing?

Theo liked me, wait, loved me and here I was, telling him off because I was afraid of ruining everything. Because I knew there was a chance we might not make it.

Mom told me how she regretted not telling dad she loved him that night at the football game she attended when they were in high school. She told me it was her biggest mistake to be silent and she should have told dad how she felt. Although I'm happy they ended up together, in the end, life would have been much simpler if she had confessed in the first place.

I sighed and turned on my heel, making my way back to Theo's door. I began knocking on it viciously until he opened the door. His eyes were red, evident that he has been crying and there was a glass cup in his hands filled with alcohol.

"Avalon?" he said, surprised as I stormed into his room.

"Okay," I began, he closed the door behind him and looked at me with confusion.

"Okay, what?" He asked.

I breathed in and out. "I don't know how I completely feel towards you yet, but what I do know is I want to give us a try, at least not for now because Leo and I just called things off but I'm going to be selfish for once," I said breathlessly.

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