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i choked. 'what?' i say with a red face. 'jeno, i'll be your first kiss.' jeno nods. 'i know, but you and donghyuck had your first kiss together.' i shake my head.

'no, you should kiss minsun, she should be your first kiss,' i say. i'm not going to kiss my best friend.

jeno pouts. he looks at me with big puppy eyes. 'please, it's the same right?' i shake my head. the boy grabs my hand. 'pretty please?' i sigh and shake his hand off. 'your aegyo sucks.'

i lay in my bed. thoughts running trough my head.

what did he think, that i was going to kiss him?

i am not going to be his first kiss. that kid needs new braincells.

i turn around in my bed and grab my laptop. i unlock it and put on a film.

i don't even pay attention to it. i mean, who would after your best friend is asking you to kiss him. that doesn't make any sense, why would i do that?

i don't even know why he wouldn't kiss minsun. that girl is pretty, if i wasn't gay, i would bang her, 10/10. jeno is really lucky to have her. and he doesn't make it official because he can't kiss?

i put my device away and stand up from my bed. i start to pace around my room. where did that idea of me kissing him even come from? i run a hand through my hair and sigh. why am i even stressing out about this? donghyuck was my first kiss, he's a good friend of mine. it's not awkward between us now, he has mark now anyway.

if i kiss jeno, the guy who is my best friend, wouldn't it be awkward between us? i mean, jeno is pretty heterosexual if you ask me. i never really thought about him being attracted to the same gender. you know why, because he's straight.

so i can't kiss him. but, something keeps telling me that i should do it. i don't know why, because it's a shit plan, but still. maybe it works for him and i wanna help my friend. if he thinks it's right to do, then why not do it?

he also isn't official with minsun, so he isn't cheating. like he said, kissing is the same right? the gender doesn't matter.

'jaemin, can you please help me out here?' i look up and hum. 'what did you say?' i ask. donghyuck sighs. 'you're so annoying, what's wrong?' my friend looks up at me from his coffee cup.

we're at the same cafe we always go. sun&moon cafe, the round table next to the window. it's really cozy in here. the warm brown colors welcoming you with the smell of coffee and caramel. the cafe music playing in the background. it's a perfect place to meet up or just to let your thoughts run wild, even though i prefer the park.

'jaemin.' 'huh?' donghyuck sighs dramatically. 'tell me what's wrong, you are zoning out again.' i smile and nod, starting to tell everything.

'so, he basically asked you to kiss him?' i nod and sip my coffee. donghyuck looks at my cup with a disgusting look. i know what he's thinking, he always says my coffee can't be called coffee anymore, it's so dark he just calls it "the black soul of jaemin".

donghyuck claps his hands. 'so what is the problem?' he says. 'the problem is, he's my best friend, almost official with minsun and if i kiss him, i would call it cheating,' i answer. donghyuck rolls his eyes. 'minsun is a bitch, she and jeno will not end up together.' i snort, then shake my head.

'she's pretty cool if you get to know her,' i say. donghyuck shakes his head. 'you always say that, but i have a feeling that she's a snake.' the brown haired boy shakes his head and snaps out of it. 'back to the real talk, i think you should do it,' he says.

i sink down in my chair, fiddling with my fingers. 'but what if it would fuck up our friendship?' i mumble. donghyuck smiles. 'you were my first kiss, it didn't fuck up our relationship.' i sigh, that's different.

'don't be a pussy and just do what you think is right, i can't really help you with this.' i nod. maybe he's right, maybe i should just do it and not be a pussy. besides, me and jeno are friends since kindergarten, would it really mess up our friendship?

updates are starting now, so yeh

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