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'are you serious?' i nod. 'you really said that?' i nod again and smile. donghyuck throws himself on the table and sighs dramatically. 'we love and stan a confident gay,' he says. i roll my eyes at him. 'you should delete twitter for a while,' i say. the boy shakes his head. 'never.'

'so, when do you think it's gonna happen?' i shrug my shoulders. 'i don't know, soon probably.' i take a sip from my black coffee. donghyuck makes a face at my cup. i point at him with my finger. 'don't say it.' donghyuck smirks. 'the black soul of jaemin makes a comeback again.' i slap his arm. 'tsk, really, are you that weak?' the boy says while smirking. i roll my eyes.

'but you know jeno, once he gets something in his head, it's not going to change.' donghyuck nods. 'hi!' i hear a high pitched voice say. i look up and see two girls standing next to the table. 'is it okay if we join you two?' the girl asks. i look at donghyuck, he raises his eyebrows slightly. giving me a -i don't know either- look. 'uhm, yeah sure.'

i grab my bag and place it on the ground. hyun sits next to me, while minsun sits down on the seat next to donghyuck. 'why are you two here?' i ask. minsun takes her phone out of her pocket. 'we heard it's a good cafe, and the owner is kinda cute.' i look at her with raised eyebrows. she is almost together with jeno, and she says the owner is kind of cute. is that normal or?

i flinch when i feel someone kicking my shin. i look at donghyuck, the boy is giving me a weird look and i sigh. 'yeah i guess so, the coffee here is really good!' i say, trying to change the subject. hyun scoffs and looks at my cup. 'that's not coffee, that's a black pool coming from hell,' she says. donghyuck clears his throat. 'so minsun, when are you becoming jeno's girlfriend?'

i choke on my coffee and hyun pats my back. 'thanks,' i say to her with a red face. minsun gives me a weird look. 'i don't really know, i hope he will ask soon, i'm not going to wait for him,' she answers. donghyuck nods. 'how long are you going to give him?' the girl shrugs. hyun sighs and sinks down in her chair. i notice it and squeeze her arm. she flinches and looks at me. 'you okay?' i whisper. 'i'll tell you later.' i nod.

'how long have you been doing this?' donghyuck counts on his fingers. 'two, three months?' minsun nods. 'yeah that's a long time.' she closes her eyes and thinks a bit. it looks like all her braincells are working and i can almost hear her brain being in action. okay, maybe not, but it seems like she is thinking about her funeral.

'yes.' she opens her eyes and claps her hand. donghyuck, who was focusing on his phone, flinches and almost dropped the device. 'i'm giving him till sunday, then it's over. i can't wait forever.' i nod. seems like jeno has some work to do with me, since it's already wednesday.

'jaemin!' i turn around and jeno almost bumps into me. 'oh my god, watch out,' i say. jeno ignores me and bites his lip. i really tried to look at something else, but i kind of failed. 'i wanna do it today,' he says. i shake my head. 'i have to study, you too.' jeno sighs. 'by the way, minsun is giving you till saturday, if you didn't ask her to make it official, she will dump your ass.' jeno sighs deeply. 'good, because that's another reason to do it today.' i close my locker aggressively. 'fine.'

when we arrive at my house jeno smiles. i shake my head at him. 'i still have to study,' i say. jeno sighs and nods. the boy grabs his bags and walk upstairs. 'where are you going?' i ask confused. 'to your room, duh.' i groan and grab my bag. 'this is my house, you can't just walk in my room!' i scream. when i walk to the stairs i think off something and run back to the kitchen. i grab cookies and a bag of crisp, then i walk to my room.

'give me the cookies.' jeno's hand reaches for the pack chocolate ships, but i put them close to my chest. 'no, i got them, you can get the crisps,' i say while pouting. 'but i love those cookies.' 'yeah, but i love them too and i took them with me, get your own damn cookies!' i huff and sit down on my bed.

the boy looks at me. 'really?' i nod. 'yes really.' 'you're so childish,' jeno says. i ignore him and open my book. i bite my lip and look at the pack of cookies. 'jeno, catch!' i throw the pack at his head and he's too slow to catch it. the pack hits the back of his head and he groans. 'really nana, now all the cookies are broken.'

i laugh. jeno takes a cookie and places it between his mouth. then a idea started to form inside my head. you could say i'm proud of my brain, it gives me the best ideas sometimes. jeno definitely can't relate.

i walk up to the boy and take the cookie out of his mouth, placing it between my teeth. jeno pouts. 'that was my cookie,' he says. i grin. 'take it back then.' jeno's eyes widen. 'w-what?' i point at the cookie. 'take it back, it's simple,' i say again. jeno shakes his head. 'just do it,' i say, getting annoyed with the boy. 'well, then you don't do it, pussy.' i smirk, knowing that jeno gets really triggered if i say pussy to him.

the boy stands up and looks me in the eyes. he moves closer and i can feel his hot breath against my cheeks. i feel my cheeks turning red, but i don't look away. jeno closes the gap and takes the cookie between his teeth. i close my eyes automatically.

then the boy pulls away and grabs the cookie. i turn away, knowing that i'm a blushing mess. jeno throws the cookie in the trash can. 'why did you throw it away?' i ask. 'it was all mushy and stuff, if you like a mushy cookie we can't be friends.'

i smile at the boy. 'do it again,' i say. jeno looks at me with a confused expression. 'do what again?' i smirk and move closer. 'you know what i mean,' i say to the boy. my face being really close to his.

suddenly jeno grabs my face and pushes his lips against mine. my eyes widen, not expecting the sudden movement, but i close my eyes when i feel his lips moving against mine. jeno takes control, and even though the beginning was aggressive, the kiss is now really soft.

the taste of cherry chapstick and cookie dough spreads through my mouth. i don't even realize the kiss. everything is going in a flash. my hands find their way to his neck and shoulders and rest there. my lips moving against his. if it wasn't for jeno i wouldn't have to pull back, i know this is wrong, in all ways.

i pull back and and step away. i force a smile. 'if you do the same with minsun, but less aggressive everything will be fine.' i say, still faking my smile. jeno nods, not saying anything.

i look at the clock. 'it's pretty late, you should probably go home now.' jeno nods and grabs his bag. i wave at him. 'bye dumb bitch.' jeno rolls his eyes and walks away, showing me his middle finger.

i close the door and lean to it. i know it was a bad idea to go with his plan. this is why i always do the planning, not jeno. his plans are stupid. the kiss wasn't even good, i hope minsun dumps his ass.

i hope you have a good day!

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