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'hi,' i say to hyun when i sit down next to her. i look around. the library is pretty empty, maybe it's because it's already late.

'hi,' she replies back. she looks at me shortly before goin back to her studying. 'how are you?' she ask without looking up.

i smile. 'i'm very good actually.' 'and why is that?' i shrug and grab my books out of my bag. 'can't i be happy?'

hyun shakes her head and sighs. 'of course you can be happy, i'm just wondering why you're so cheery all of a sudden.'

'okay, me and jeno are on good terms and i'm really happy because of that,' i say. hyun nods, writing down her notes.

'how come you two are good now?' she asks. 'we told each other our feelings, then he broke up with minsun,' i answer with a big smile.

hyun looks up. 'that's good to hear, i'm happy for you guys!' she exclaims. i smile brightly at her. she then stops smiling at me and her face falls. 'speaking of the devil,' she mumbles.

i turn around and look behind me. minsun is walking up to us with red face and a fake smile. she sits down at the table with us and smiles, crossing her arms.

'hyun, how are you?' hyun looks up at her old best friend. 'i'm doing good, you?' i'm surprised she is still nice to minsun, after everything she did.

'i'm good, thanks for asking. did you get yourself a boyfriend already?' hyun chokes and looks quickly at me.

'yes, i am together with someone,' she then says, after a lot of coughing. i look at minsun, then at hyun. the tension between each other is way too big and i can't handle it. i'm full of nerves.

'oh, that's nice, what's his name?' i look at hyun, she stopped writing down her notes and now looks at minsun with angry eyes.

'her name is areum.' minsun giggles. 'areum is a girls name,' she says through her giggles. hyun nods sternly. 'that's because she is, didn't you hear me say "her".' minsun's face changes completely.

she looks at hyun, then at me. 'oh would you look at that. two faggots in the library. tell me, hi is it to be a fag?' hyun snorts. 'how is it to be a het?' she fires back.

minsun smirks, it looks weird. 'i can't believe i was your friend,' she says to minsun. 'the feelings are mutual,' hyun says.

minsun turns to me. 'didn't i tell you to stay away from jeno? you made him broke up with me!' she whisper yells. i shrug. 'i didn't make him gay,' i whisper yell back.

minsun nods. 'yes you did, now he's one of you. it's disgusting. you i had everything with him, you ruined everything. i don't even know why he likes you, you're so ugly!'

i nod taking all her mean comments in me. 'thank you, i know i'm not the prettiest,' i say, hurt echoing through my tone.

minsun nods angrily. 'you're not even a little pretty, you should've killed yourself when you had the change.'

in some weird way, her comment triggered me. it's weird and it didn't happen to me in a long time. it's like she found a click in my head and turned it off.

i don't say anything. i just look down at my math book, my eyes dull.

'minsun that's enough.' i recognize the voice, but i don't react. my gaze is still focused on my book.

'jeno baby, look at him. you don't want to be together with him. he's just dead inside, he can't be saved. besides, don't you think i'm more pretty than the fag over there?'

'no, i think you should shut up and leave me and my friends alone.' minsun groans. 'you don't want to be with him jeno, you still love me.'

jeno shakes his head. 'i do want to be with him, i know with who i want to be with, i can choose for myself,' he says.

he takes my arm, i don't react to his warm hand on my skin i just look down. 'i also don't care that you spread a picture of me and jaemin. i don't regret doing it and if i had the change i would do it all over.'

he pushes my books in the bag and hyun, also standing up from the table, takes it over from him. 'now if you excuse me, i'm going to give my boyfriend all the love he deserves.'

then he leaves, with me in his grip. we stop at his locker. 'jaemin, are you okay?' he asks, lifting up my head with his index finger.

i look him in the eyes and don't say anything. i don't know what to say. jeno wraps my arms around me and holds me close to him. i rest my head in the crook of his neck and begin to sob.

'i don't know what i did wrong,' i suddenly cry out. 'i don't know why life gave me this bullshit. i didn't ask to be ugly, i wish i could be pretty like you, or renjun.'

jeno rubs my back and says nothing, he's just holding me close. then he pulls away and cups my cheeks. 'jaemin, your probably the most perfect boy i've ever seen. i mean, you made me a homosexual,' he says with a low chuckle.

i don't laugh i just look at him. 'and i'm serious about what i said, i want us to be together. i want to hold hands with you and tell you you're pretty and perfect,' he continues.

i rub my tears away. jeno clears his throat. 'so, this is probably a weird timing, but be my boyfriend?'

i crack a smile at his awkwardness and nod slowly. 'yeah, i would like that.' i've never seen jeno smile so brightly, he pulls me back in a loving hug.

i've never felt so loved by him, it feels so good.

i'm sorry for the late update, wattshit was wilding and deleted my chapter.

i published 'promise me [noren]' it's a short story, and i really liked writing it.

so yeah, if you like noren and all that stuff, then you could check it out.

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