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i toss the paper away. the tears making my cheeks wet. how can she write something like that? i thought we were on good terms.

i never liked minsun, but i didn't show it, i always acted nice towards her. why would she write something like this?

i touch my cheeks and i let out a sob. even if i can't see it, i can feel that they are chubby. chubby enough to make me look fat.

i shake my head and rub my eyes. i shouldn't think like that, i'm good the way i am. besides, no one ever told me i look fat.

she's just saying it to make me doubt myself. fuck, she knows i'm insecure about myself. she knows that when someone says something bad about me, i will believe it in no time.

i hate her, i'm so disgusted by her. how could she think that one simple letter was going to make me stay away, from my best friend.

i groan and grab the letter of the floor. then i'm ripping it, then again, and again. all the snippets of the white paper are lying in my floor.

i smile a little. what does she think she is, she can be right about my looks and smile, but she can't make me stay away from jeno.

just by sending one letter, which is by the way really old fashioned. it was so obvious it was minsun, she could've send a text instead.

i walk to my classroom with my head hanging low. i can't believe i forgot that my secret is out. i can't let anyone see my face, i'm so scared for peoples reactions.

it's not like i know everyone in this school, and i'd like to keep it that way, it's just. everyone will know me in less than a day.

i feel if my mask is still in the right place and sigh. it still is, i just have a little cough. i could say that to make my friends less worried.

i open the door of the room and i immediately feel everyone looking at me. i look down and find my seat next to mark's.

i lay my head on the table, not even saying a hello to my friend. mark notices my absence and pokes me in the ribs. i squirm and look at him.

'what's wrong?' he whispers. i open my mouth to say something back, but when the teacher walks in i close it and pay attention.

i know mark heard the rumors, since he's quite popular, and if he heard it donghyuck heard it too.

i groan a little and fake a cough. it still needs to look like i have a cold. mark turn around to look at me.

'jaemin, why are you fake coughing?' he whispers. my eyes widen and i choke. mark pats me on the back. 'you okay?' he asks. i nod.

'how did you know i was fake coughing?' mark shrugs. 'i didn't.' i groan again. i hate him and his smartness.

i look around the classroom and see a few people quickly looking away from me. mark notices it too and sighs. 'we need to talk, in the break,' he says.

i shake my head. 'i have nothing to talk about.' i look at the board again, taking notes and actually paying attention for once. hoping he would drop it. 'we have to talk about it jaemin,' the boy next to me says.

i bite my lip, can be stop asking me about it? 'i have no idea what your talking about,' i say back. mark nods. 'you do know what i'm talking about, do you think i'm stupid?'

i turn around. 'yes sometimes i think you are! isn't it obvious i don't want to talk about it!' i say loudly. mark's eyes widen. i close my book
and throw it in my back.

'i don't want to talk with you,' i snap. i stand up, grab my back and walk out of the classroom angrily. i hear the teacher calling me but i ignore it. i also ignore my classmates calling me names.

it's true anyway, why say anything against them when what they say is true.

without knowing i walk towards my locker. 'can i get to my locker please?' i ask the y'all boy from yesterday. he smiles slyly. 'hey it's fatty, why would i move?'

i blink to get my tears away. why is he calling me that? he doesn't even know me. just like my other classmates, they don't me well enough to call me that.

'i just want to put my books away,' i say with a broken voice. the guy smirks. 'of course you want that, i'm not stupid.' he moves away.

i quickly open my locker and see another paper hanging on the side. i carefully rip it of and bite my lip.

when all my books are put away i turn around, seeing that the boy is still standing there. 'so fatty, i was always curious to know.' he steps closer.

my breathing is starting to get faster and i feel my palms getting sweaty. 'there is this rumor going through the school, that your dad left you and your mom?'

i close my eyes and my lip begins to tremble. i don't want to be reminded of it. 'and your mom got married again to another man, who is more like your dad then your biological one, is that right?'

i nod slowly, fighting the tears. 'so why did your biological dad leave you?'

what ship for the dreamies do you guys like the most?

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