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i lay on the couch with my phone in my hands. i bite my lip. i don't know what to say to renjun. he gave me his number, it's a waste to not say anything.

maybe a simple "hi" will do, or is that too boring. i put my phone away and sigh. why am i freaking out so much about this, it's not like he going to hate you after one text message.

i hear m phone vibrate and i shoot up. i look at the screen and a big smile forms on my face.

new message:
injun☀️: hi, how are you?

i grin and unlock my phone. he texted me first, that means he thought about me right?

hi, how are you?

hi! i'm good, you?

i'm fine, how's your friend?

she's good now i think?

what happened?

if you don't mind asking me ofc

i don't know if it's for me to tell..

that's okay! i hope she will feel better, she looked really tired

yeah, she was

anyway, want to grab a coffee sometime?

yeah sounds fun!


idk, we'll see when we're in school

about that, we're you serious with me sitting with you during lunch?

yeah ofc why?

but are you like 100% sure?


but i have to go now, i'll text you later

okay, bye bye 👋🏻

bye bye 💓

i smile and close the app. he's cute even when he is texting. is that even possible.

suddenly the doorbell rings, i raise my eyebrows in confusion. is it hyun? i don't remember her sayin she's coming over.

i walk to the door and open it. 'jeno?' the boy looks at me and nods. 'what are you doing here?' i ask. the boy shrugs and smiles. 'i was bored,' he says.

i nod slowly and let him in. why is he here? 'why didn't you go to your girlfriend?' i say, closing the door. 'she was sick.' i chuckle. 'then you need to take care of her.'

jeno shakes his head. 'i asked her, but she said no otherwise i'd become sick too, so here i am.' i nod and bite my lip.

'mario kart?' i ask. jeno smiles. 'you're bad at playing mario kart,' he says and grins. i shake my head. 'you always lose, so you are bad!'

i grab the two wii sticks and give one to jeno. we start the game. 'why are you always peach?' jeno asks. 'peach is cool, she's underrated!' i say.

i look at him. 'why are you always yoshi?' the boy laughs. 'he's cute,' he answers. i smile and the round begins.

jeno and i are equally good, so it's hard to win. jeno groans. 'i was so close to winning jaemin!' he yells. i smile slyly. 'it's not my fault that i got a blue shield.'

'i want a revenge game!' i nod and start another round. 'sure, but you are going to lose again,' i say to the brown haired boy. 'well, maybe not!'

i chuckle and tickle jeno in his side. the boy squirms and laughs. 'you can't tickle me! it's against the rules!' he screams.

i laugh and tickle him more. after a while he begins to tickle me back. 'stop jeno, i'm losing!' 'not my fault, i'm winning!' i laugh and push him of the couch with my foot, but he grabs my wrist and i fall with him.

i fall on his chest and my cheeks turn red. i look down at my best friend and feel my ears getting red too.

my eyes travel from his nose, to his eyes and he doesn't even have a little flaw. his skin is perfect and there's no scars.

our eyes meet and it felt like my heart dropped. his brown eyes lock mine and i can't look away. he's so perfect. his cheeks slowly turn red too and i smile a little.

something in the back of my head tells me to stop doing this, and i want to listen, but my body is doing the exact opposite from what i want.

i want to move away and tell him to go, but instead i close the gap.

my lips touch his and my stomach seems to explode. it's been a long time since i felt this feeling.

our lips begin to move in sync. everything feels perfect, like nothing bad is going to happen.

i pull back. everything bad is going to happen. this is so bad, i shouldn't be doing this. i'm such a bad friend.

i stand up and pull jeno with me. 'stop doing this!' i yell to the boy. 'stop cheating on your girlfriend with me, i thought you liked her!' i feel the tears forming in my eyes. i quickly blink them away.

'you were the one that kissed me!' the boy yells back. i pinch his chest. 'you kissed back you asshole!' i grab his arm and lead him to the door.

'why do you keep kissing me when you're together with minsun?' i ask. the boy looks at me with a red head.

'i don't know okay? i really don't fucking know!' he walk away and i look at him. maybe i do like him.

idk what this was

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