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'jaemin!' i turn around and bump into hyun. 'oh my god, can't you walk normal?' i say. she rolls her eyes. 'rude, anyway i have to tell you something, it really is important!' she says.

i nod. 'wanna go to the cafe then? i don't have any classes and i don't feel like taking the subway now.' the girl nods.

'so what did you wanted to say?' the girl takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes. 'you know i liked minsun right?' i nod. 'why are you saying that so loud?' 'i'm not ashamed of it,' she answers. i smile, i'm really happy to hear that.

'but, i'm slowly getting over her,' she continues. my eyes widen. 'how did you do that so quickly?' i ask, maybe if she tells me how she did that, i can do the same.

hyun shrugs. 'it just happened, the fact that i saw her put a letter in your locker helped me getting over her.' i look down, how did she see that, hyun knows everything.

'i also saw what was in the letter, so yeah she was a bitch, she's not my friend anymore.' i snort. she looks offended. 'what are you laughing at?'

i shake my head. 'it's just, it sounded so childish when you said that.' hyun laughs and her eyes crinkle. 'well, maybe it is and i'm still going to be nice to her, but i don't really want to be friends with her anymore,' she answers.

i nod. 'but, you two have been friends since the beginning, isn't that hard for you?' hyun seems to think for a few second. then she nods slowly. 'yeah , it is pretty hard, but your a good friend of me too and we've been getting closer and closer.'

'so, i don't want to be friends with someone who hurts their friends behind their back, that's just plain rude,' she continues.

a smile creeps it's way on my face. suddenly hyun grabs my arm and i hiss. 'ouch, that hurt,' i say harshly before pulling my arm back.

she mumbles a quiet sorry. 'i almost forgot to tell you, but i may or may not have met a really pretty girl,' she mumbles. i lean forward. 'what did you say, you should talk louder,' i say next to her ear.

'i met a really pretty and cute girl, i guess i have an eye on her,' she repeats. 'really!' she nods. i clap my hands. 'hyun, that's amazing!'

'what's her name, do you know where she lives? oh my god, did you even talk to her?' i fire all my questions at her and she hold up a finger. 'shut up for a moment.' i close my mouth and nod.

'her name is areum, well, her name tag sais that that was her name. yes i talked to her, i wanted a muffin so yeah she took my order. jaemin, she was so cute and short and her cheeks were all chubby.' i smile at her.

she looks so happy now. then she turns to me. 'oh by the way, jeno didn't reveal your secret, it was minsun,' she says.

i stop walking. i forgot about that. 'h-he didn't?' hyun nods. 'yeah, at a party i saw jeno spilling all of his secrets to her, you know how he is when he's drunk,' she says simply.

i nod, my mouth dropped slightly. it wasn't jeno, i knew he wouldn't do something like that.

'hello, welcome to sun&moon, can i take your order?' i look at hyun waiting for her to answer, but the girl is just looking down at her feet.

i clear my throat. 'uh yeah, she would like a muffin and for me a coffee,' i say. the girl shortly nods and writes the order down. i quickly look at her name tag.

oh. i wish i could slap myself right now. i'm so stupid sometimes, how did i not notice hyun's change of mood.

so this is the girl she was talking about. the short girl has indeed chubby cheeks and round glasses resting on her nose. it keeps sliding of and she crunches her nose to push it back up.

i look at hyun. she looks like a tomato. 'jaemin!' hyun and i turn around and see renjun walking towards us.

the chinese boy smiles at us. 'hey, i didn't know you guys were here,' he says while taking a earbud out. i shrug. 'i didn't know you were coming here either.'

the three of us sit down at the round table and renjun sighs. 'jeno's birthday party is coming soon,' he says. i look up to him. 'how's you know that?'

'i heard it from people in the hallways,' he answers. oh yeah right, jeno's birthday parties are well known. he always throws big parties in his house and his parents always go away for two days.

'so are you coming?' i ask. renjun sighs. 'i don't really know, you guys are my only friends and i don't really know if i'll fit in there,' he says.

i smile at him. 'it would be more fun if you will be there,' hyun says, thinking the same thing as i did. i nod at her statement.

renjun smiles. 'thank you, i guess i'll show up then?' i clap my hands. 'i can pick you up?' i say. renjun nods and smiles happily.

i look forward to the party. this is the party they talk about in movies, the party who's thrown once in a year, but it's worth it.

it's were all the drama begins, or ends.

i wanted to update this, but i fell asleep.

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