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'you met him on the rooftop?' i nod at donghyuck's question. chenle turns around. 'hi, i'm chenle.' renjun's eyes widen.

'zhong chenle?' he asks. the whole table looks at renjun and chenle. 'yeah, i'm zhong chenle,' the boy answers in confusion.

'the whole school talked about you.' chenle's eyes widen. 'what school?'

'we were on the same school, i never saw you because i chose for art and you chose dance. but when you left rumors started to spread its way through every major,' renjun explains.

chenle nods as a sign for him to continue. 'they talked about how you left and yeah that's basically it.' chenle sighs and shakes his head slightly. 

'i knew it, the word goes around fast does it?' he stops talking. 'do you perhaps know my mom?' he asks. renjun shakes his head.

then chenle begins to talk in chinese and leaves me and the others stare in confusion.

donghyuck clearers his throat and looks at me. 'so, you two met on the rooftop?' i look at my friend. 'you already asked that?' the boy sighs dramatically. 'i want more details, a simple answers won't do!'

i roll my eyes. 'remember when i walked away during lunch?' donghyuck nods. i notice mark listening too. 'well, i went to the rooftop to get fresh air, i saw renjun and we exchanged numbers.' i grab my chopsticks.

'oh! i met him the day before that in the city streets. we went to a park and got ice cream,' i continue.

donghyuck gasps and leans forward. 'what about jeno?' he whispers. my eyes widen, did he just say that out loud? mark slaps his boyfriend on his arm and glares at jeno.

'are you stupid or what?' mark asks. donghyuck puts his hand on his chest. 'i'm hurt, why would you call me stupid?' mark begins to eat again, ignoring the mumbles of his lover.

'let's go to sun&moon!' minsun says happily. i groan a little. not again, why does she want to go there every time?

i can't escape like last time, donghyuck can't call me because he's going with us.

donghyuck nods. 'sure, jaemin i know you don't want to go, but i'll treat you your favorite drink,' he says slyly.

i bite my lip. i can tag along, once more wouldn't hurt. like anything bad will happen. the only thing that will happen is jeno and minsun flirting with each other and holding each other's hands and maybe kiss?

i shake my head at donghyuck. he smiles. 'nice! let's go then.' he grabs my arm and pulls me with him.

'i don't want to go,' i hiss. 'does it look like i care? i want to test something,' he answers. i groan. i hate him, i want a new friend.

i look at mark for help but he just shrugs. this is so unfair, just because they're a couple doesn't mean he can throw me under the bus like that. i thought we were friends. 'traitor,' i mouth.

mark just smiles and together we walk to the cosy cafe. 'hi, welcome to sun&moon, can i get your order?' a man asks. i immediately recognize him.

'hi ten, the usual for me,' i say to the man. he nods and writes the order down on a paper. after everyone got their order we sit down on the round table next to the window.

'did anyone make chemistry homework?' hyun asks. 'we had homework?' jeno asks. donghyuck sighs. 'he talked about it yesterday, you never pay attention do you?'

jeno looks at me for a second. 'i had a lot on my mind,' he says. i look down. what does he mean with that, why did he look at me?

'anyway, minsun did you make it? you always make chemistry.' minsun nods. 'yeah i did, wanna copy it?' hyun nods.

i look at my side and notice renjun being really quiet. i nudge his shoulder. 'hey, what's wrong?' renjun just sighs.

'i kinda miss him,' he answers after a while. my mouth forms a "oh". i guess i would miss my boyfriend who lives all the way in china too.

'can i see a picture of him?' i ask carefully. renjun nods and begins to search for a good picture. i grab my coffee cup and look back to the smaller boy. jenos gaze didn't go unnoticed.

renjun holds his phone up for me too see it. 'which one is it?' i ask. the boy points at the boy on the left. 'he, the other one is our friend kun,' he explains.

'he looks nice,' i say. i'm not lying, he's handsome, but i guess i prefer jeno's looks more.

'he's coming here in the summer break, do you want to meet him?' renjun asks. i nod enthusiastically. 'yeah, that'll be fun! we can all hang out together.'

renjun nods and smiles a little before grabbing his coffee cup filled with water. i still don't know why he ordered water, but whatever floats your boat i guess.

without thinking too much, i look at jeno and minsun. i should stop looking at them, it only hurts when you see the person you like with someone else.

remember when i said that my biology test went well?

[a/n]remember when i said that my biology test went well?

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idk what happened to that

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