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i play with the coffee cup in my hand. we arrived at the cafe and i want to die. i can't handle the awkward tension between me and jeno.

jeno is playing with the hair of his girlfriend. meanwhile minsun and hyun are talking together about school.

'did you guys get a good grade for chemistry?' minsun asks. hyun shakes her head, jeno does the same. minsun pouts and looks at jeno. 'we should study together then,' she says cupping his face. jeno smiles his famous smile and minsun lets go with a red face.

i put the cup against my lips and take a sip. hiding my pained expression. 'and you jaemin?' i look up and shrug. 'it was okay, could've been better,' i answer.

hyun looks at me. 'can we study together sometimes? i don't get it and the teacher smells like a depressed farm.' i raise my eyebrows. 'a depressed farm?' hyun nods and pats my back.

'you get it when you grow up, my son.' i look at the girl. 'i'm older than you,' i say. hyun looks away and takes a sip of her cup. 'wow the coffee is really good, can i taste yours?' i shake my head. 'no, you'll hate it,' i say.

the girl grabs the cup. 'i can always try, right?' i sigh and see her taking a sip. her expression changes when she swallows the liquid. she pushes the coffee away. 'this is disgusting, how can you drink this?'

i shrug. 'donghyuck always calls it "the black soul of jaemin",' jeno says. i look at him. hyun giggles. 'that's a good name for this, i tastes like a pool from hell.' i nudge her side and she squirms.

'shut up.' hyun rolls her eyes and takes her own coffee. minsun's eyes sparkle. 'you know what, we should hang out together sometime, watch a movie or something.' my eyes widen and meet jeno's.

'i don't know if i have time for that,' i say quickly. 'that's okay, we can choose the date together, just say whenever you are free,' the girlfriend says.

jeno sighs and looks at his girlfriend. he grabs her hand. 'we'll talk about about it later, okay?' minsun nods and jeno pecks her forehead.

i look down, that hurt. it hurt a lot more then i expected.

i feel hyun looking at me and i smile at the girl. knowing she won't fall for the trick. she never calls for it, it's annoying.

my phone rings and i look at the caller iD.

incoming call:
trash can 🗑

i pick up and put the phone against my ear. 'hello, what's wrong?' i say. 'nothing is wrong i just wanted to say that your ugly.' i bite my lip, and idea forming in my head.

'really, are you okay now?' i ask. 'what? i didn't say anything?' i nod and stand up. 'okay, i'm coming.' i look at the others and point at my phone. they nod and i stand up.

'okay see you soon.' 'i didn't ask for you to come over, i'm with mark now, go away!' 'yeah, bye.' i hang up and look at the others.

'i need to go, sorry,' i say. they nod and i smile before walking away.

i walk on the street with my earbuds in. i feel sorry. i shouldn't have left. even if it was awkward, i should've stayed.

suddenly i walk in something hard. i close my eyes. 'please, don't be a bully,' i mutter. 'i'm not a bully,' a soft voice says. i slowly open one eye.

a smaller brown haired boy stares at me. 'sorry, i didn't see you.' the boy sighs. 'is it because i'm shorted than you?' he asks. i shake my head quickly.

'no, no not at all, i was just thinking,' i say quickly. the boy smiles. 'it's okay, what we're you thinking about?' he asks.

i give him a look. 'about my friends,' i answer. the boy nods. i look at him. a little smile finds it's way on my face. he's cute.

'stop staring you creep.' my eyes widen and i look forward. the boy giggles. 'so, why were you thinking of your friends?'

i shrug. 'i felt sorry, i just wanted to get away from the awkwardness.' i look down at my shoes. 'sorry, i don't know why i'm telling you this,' i apologize.

the boy smiles at me. 'it's okay, i've seen you around,' he says. 'really?' 'yeah, we're in the same school,' he says.

'oh, i didn't know that, guess your not a stranger then,' i smile at him. he's still smiling. and his smile is so cute.

'i'm jaemin by the way,' i say. the boy turns around. 'i'm renjun, do you want to go to a park?'

sorry this is late, i had to pack for my school trip and it was so stressful.

are you all good?

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