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i'm not in the mood for anything. i don't want to eat or drink. i just want to lay down and sleep for two days straight. is that even possible to do?

maybe it's because i'm tired and relieved. me and jeno are together now, we're boyfriends now. the thought of it only hits me now and i shoot up.

we're a couple now. we can do what couples do, like hold hands, cuddle. my smile grows wide. 'holy shit,' i mumble.

'don't curse, jaemin,' my mother says from the kitchen. 'why are you cursing anyway?' she yells.

'it's because i'm fucking happy!' i scream back. 'and why is that?' my mother stands closer now, that way we don't have to yell.

i smile brightly at her. 'me and jeno are official.' her face lightens up. 'oh my god, really!' i nod enthusiastically.

she walks up to me and hugs me. 'i'm so happy to hear that, you should invite him over one day.' i furrow my eyebrows.

'but you already know jeno?' i say confused. my mother smiles. 'i know jeno the best friend. i don't know jeno the boyfriend, silly!'

i nod and smile a little. 'i'll ask him.'

i smile at jeno and let him in. 'thank you for coming,' i whisper to him, closing the door. 'yeah of course, can't let my boyfriend wait can't i?' he teases and pokes my cheeks.

i slap his hand away and fiddle with my fingers. jeno chuckles. 'are you nervous?' i nod slowly and look up.

'what if they don't like the boyfriend jeno?' jeno smiles and hugs me. 'i didn't change, i'm sure they'll like me,' he comforts. i nod in his chest.

'jaemin, is that jeno?' i pull back and walk to the living room, my dad reading a book and my mom is in the kitchen. 'uh yeah.'

my mother gasps. 'he's here already? i didn't even finish my cooking!' she yells from the other room. i crack a nervous smile and help my mother set up the table.

jeno helps too, i see his hands slightly shaking and i smile. he says he's not nervous at all, but look at his hands shaking like crazy.

i grab his hand and give him a little squeeze. he smiles at me. my mother walks up and puts the food on the table. i look at her with wide eyes, she made way too much food.

'mom, don't you think you made too much?' i ask. she shakes her head and smiles, gesturing me and jeno to sit down. 'no, i know how much you two eat,' she answers.

my dad sits down too and then the silence takes over. it's awkward, really awkward. i can't handle these kinds of silence.

my mother coughs and looks at us. 'so you two are together now huh?' i look at jeno before nodding slowly.

i grab my chopsticks and stuff my mouth with food. my dad hums. 'like boyfriends boyfriends?' i giggle and nod again.

'and you two are doing good together right?' i hum, chewing on a piece of meat. stress eating, a habit that i hate.

'so jeno, what do you like about jaemin?' my dad asks out of the blue. i groan and look at jeno with guilty eyes.

'i actually like everything. i can't count the things i love about him,' he answers. my dad nods and looks him in the eyes. 'when did you start liking him, i thought you were together with minsun?'

jeno flushes red of embarrassment. 'i guess i found out about my crush a few weeks after i got together with minsun?' it comes out as a question and he looks nervous.

i grab his hand from under the table, this time he lets me do it and doesn't pull away. he squeezes my hand and looks down at his plate.

'i didn't like minsun,' my mom blurts our. she slaps a hand on her mouth immediately. 'sorry jeno sweetie, i didn't mean to say that.'

jeno chuckles. 'it's fine, i didn't like her too,' he says. my mom smiles a little, still embarrassed at her outburst.

'is jaemin treating you well enough?' she asks. i roll my eyes at her, of course she asks that.  jeno nods and smiles at me. 'he's been perfect to me.'

my dad smiles at us and i feel my cheeks heat up. i focus on the food in front of me and start to stuff my mouth with food again. i give a thumb ups to my mom, complimenting her about the food.

my dad shrugs. 'well, i'm happy for you two. i hope you'll stay together for a long time.' his wife nods at his statement.

i let out a relived sigh and let go of jeno's hand. 'why'd you let go?' he whispers. i let out a awkward chuckle. 'my hand was getting sweaty.'

epilogue next :(

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