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i sighs and lay my head on the table. 'so, when are going to talk to your best friend?' donghyuck asks. 'i'm talking to him right now.' donghyuck groans and lays his phone on the table.

'i mean your other best friend.' i ignore him and sighs again. 'how long have you been ignoring each other?' 'two weeks,' i answers. donghyuck makes a weird sound. 'two weeks since he last kissed you?'

i nod, my head still lying on the table. 'you two need to talk, as soon as possible.' i shake my head. 'i don't want to talk to him,' i say while pouting.

my friend punched my cheek and i slap his hand away. 'stop it, you're being stupid!' i sit straight and look at my friend. 'i'm not, i don't want to talk to him!' i whisper yell back.

'but you need to, you're all depressed now,' he says. i roll my eyes. 'you're overreacting again.' donghyuck shakes his head. 'i'm not, that's mark's job.  trust me, you look really down,' he fires back.

i turn around from my friend. i hear him groan and stand up. 'whatever, you two should talk about it instead of being childish,' he hisses.

'news flash jaemin, you can't ignore all your problems, you need to talk about it and solve it,' he continues. i nod slowly.

he has a point. i get where he's coming from. i turn around and look at my friend. 'how did you do it?' i ask.

'do what?' 'how did you tell mark you liked him?' i ask. donghyuck's eyes widen and he sits down again. 'why are you asking that?'

i shrug. 'i'm just curious i guess,' i mumble. donghyuck sighs and clears his throat while sitting down more comfortably.

'well, he moved from canada to korea you know hat right?' i nod. donghyuck smiles. 'at that time you and i didn't know each other yet. i was in a school located in seoul, i don't know we're you were,' he explains.

'i told you that mark helps me to calm down a lot right, it's because i get angry really fast and i don't really know how to handle the emotion,' he explains.

i look at the boy, when i first met donghyuck he was, well, let's say that you noticed him a lot. he had this big aura around him, not in a good way.

more like a i'll beat you up if you disagree with me way. it was scary at first, but me being the stubborn boy i am still talked to him. i still don't know how we became friends, but i guess my way of talking worked.

'so when mark went by he name of the new kid in our school, i wanted to talk to him. he was a nerd jaemin, well maybe not, but i always saw him as one.

then we had to do a stupid project together and i didn't want to do it at all. mark got mad at me and we yelled in the middle of the hallways to each other. it was really embarrassing when i look back at it now.' donghyuck smiles a little while thinking back at the old memory.

'and then?' i ask. i never knew how mark and donghyuck met, i like hearing their backstory.

'then he convinced me to finish the project together. i realized i didn't get mad at him fast, he was not like the others and how cheesy and cliche it sounds. i didn't mind being nice to him, besides his giggle was really cute back then,' he continues.

i cut him of. 'was cute?' donghyuck nods. 'yeah it's pretty annoying now, just kidding, but it sometimes is. don't tell him i said that,' he says rapidly. i nod.

'so finally i realized why i didn't get mad at him, it was because he's cute and i liked him. so at a party we kissed and then some days later we kissed again. i grew some balls and asked what we are and i told him i liked him.'

he really did it like that huh? like it was nothing, i would've pissed myself.

'he told me he liked it too, boom! we were a couple,' he explains with a big smile. 'and you weren't scared to tell him?' donghyuck sighs.

'of course i was scared, jaemin. i think i crapped five times, but that doesn't matter because we were together in the end anyway,' he answers. i chuckle.

'and you were a happy couple since then?' donghyuck shakes his head. 'no, not at all. we broke up a few times because of me,' he mumbles. my eyes widen.

'why did you broke up?' donghyuck shrugs. 'i was a gangsta back then, i didn't give a flying shit. okay maybe i'm overreacting, but i still wasn't that friendly towards people.'

'mark actually learned me to get more social and i'm really thank full for that. you know i still get really angry sometimes, but mark is there to comfort me so it's all gucci,' he explains.

i smile at the story. i never really knew that they broke up a few times. they always seemed so perfect together.

'we are perfect together,' he says. my eyes meet his confused. can he read minds?

'you never fought right?' donghyuck laughs. 'of course we fought you dumbass, every couple fights now and then!' he slaps my arm.

'i actually bear someone up because i was jealous of a boy he was talking to,' he says cockily. my mouth drops, how to respond to that.

'cool, i guess?' donghyuck smiles. 'what i'm trying to say, mark and i talked together, you and jeno should do the same,' he says.

i shake my head, i don't want to do that. i have nothing to say to jeno. donghyuck looks at me and smiles, like he knows what i'm talking about.

'you never know what happens when you two talk, make and i are happy now, maybe you two will end up happy too.'

sorry for the late update, i was so tired today i almost couldn't move.

maybe not, i had to study for shit

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maybe not, i had to study for shit

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