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'na jaemin!' i stop walking and close my eyes. here it comes. someone grabs my arms and pulls me into a quick hug. 'what's wrong?' hyun asks.

i shrug, nothing is wrong. i just feel weird. 'nothing, slept late again.' i know she doesn't believe me, i just hope she will leave me alone. i need to be alone, but i'm too scared to ask for it.

'really? you don't have bags under your eyes though.' i groan and shake her arm off. 'just leave me alone!' i say harshly. 

hyun flinches and stakes a step back. she slowly nods. 'okay, i'll leave you alone,' she says with a soft voice. 'make sure to eat something, you didn't eat anything today.' then she walks away, pulling her bag closer to her.

i feel guilty. i didn't have to snap at her like that. she just wanted to help, or tried to. i just pushed her away.

i face palm myself. 'i'm so stupid,' i mumble under my breath. i know she tried to open up more and i just pushed her away. i'm a terrible friend. i should apologize.

i stop walking and turn around. i bite my lip. but i got to be alone, that's what i wanted. i can apologize later right?

'jeno?' the brown haired boy is standing at my front door and smiles. 'what the hell are you doing here?' i ask and let him in. 'also what's that in your hand?' i notice him holding a brown bag. 'mcdonald's, i thought maybe you were hungry,' he answers. i smile and grab the bag out of his hands.

'you can't eat all of it, leave the nuggets for me please!' he yells. i ignore him and run upstairs. i hear jeno running after me and i laugh. 'give it back, i'm hungry!' the boy yells.

i open the door of my bedroom and then close it with my elbow. a trick i learned a long time ago. 'i'm coming in, because you didn't lock the door, stupid cow.' he muttered the last few words but i heard them.

'say that again and i'll eat all your nuggets!' i say when jeno walks in. he smiles slyly. 'say what again?' i roll my eyes and stuff a nugget in my mouth. 'you know what i mean.' jeno looks at me with a disgusted expression. 'talk when you finished eating, i don't want to see your mouth full with food.'

i smile and pass him the bag. 'well thank you,' jeno says sarcastically. 'stop being sarcastic, cumshot.' jeno makes a pained expression and lays his hand on his chest.

'did you just call me cumshot? again?' i nod proudly and grab some fries. 'so, how did you ask minsun out?'

jeno chokes and i give him a water bottle. after the coughing stops he looks at me. 'w-what?' i roll my eyes. 'how did you ask minsun out?' i ask again.

jeno shrugs. 'i took her to sun&moon and then i asked her. after that we went to a park, that was basically it.' my mouth drops. that's it? no kissing or holding hands?

'did you kiss her?' i pinch his tight. jeno blushes and slowly nods. i don't know why, but my heart dropped.

'oh my god finally!' i hug the boy, not thinking how weird it can be. 'do you know how long i have been waiting for that?' i grab a handful of fries and stuff then in my mouth to hide my pained expression.

i can't lie, but i can fake a smile. i don't know what to think of that. 'it has been a whole year jeno, that was long, how do you feel now?' i hold my hand in front of his mouth, acting like i'm interviewing him.

'i feel really good and proud to call her mine,' he answers with a big smile. i smile back, the boy not noticing how fake it was because he is too happy to think of something else.

honestly, it hurt. it hurt that my best friend didn't notice how i faked my happiness.

nct snapped, even tho i don't understand a word, they snapped.

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