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i put my tray on the table and sit down with a small smile. 'why are you so smiley?' donghyuck asks. i shrug, still keeping my smile. 'hey, can we study together today?' hyun asks. i nod. 'sure, what time does school end for you?'

'in two hours,' she answers. 'same for me, let's meet at the gates?' she nods and i grab my apple. i take a bite and think back to yesterday.

i met a boy, renjun, yesterday. we went to a park and i told him what's on my mind. i bite my lip. it was weird talking to a complete stranger about my thoughts.

but at the same time, it felt good to tell everything to someone and it was pretty fun. renjun is really nice and kind.

i look up to see jeno and minsun walking to us, hand in hand. my smile immediately fades away. i feel hyun stiffen next to me.

'hi,' i say to the couple. minsun smiles to me and sits down. 'how are you?' i ask. the girl smiles at me and grabs her chopsticks. 'i'm good, you?' i nod. 'that's good to hear, i'm okay.'

i glare at jeno. he didn't say a word and just plays with the hand of his girlfriend. i put my noodles in my mouth, to hide my expression again.

i should stop doing that, i should stop being fake to my friends.

minsun lays her head on jeno's shoulder. i look at the couple. i don't even know why i get this feeling when i see them together.

maybe it's because jeno kissed me. he kissed me when he came back from his girlfriend. he cheated on her with me, i'm the reason he cheated.

i look at my noodles. he cheated and now he is playin with her hands, like nothing happened. if minsun only knew he cheated, with me, a boy. it's making me sick.

i stand up. 'i'm not hungry, i need fresh air.' i walk away and throw my noodles away.

i open the door that leads to the roof. i bet my lip when i see a boy sitting on the floor.

'renjun?' the boy turns around and smiles brightly when he sees me. 'jaemin, hi!' he waves and i sit down next to him.

'i didn't know you were here,' i mumble. the boy chuckles. 'it's a small world we live in.' i nod.

'why are you here?' i ask. the boy shrugs and shows a sketch book. 'i was drawing.' 'is that moomin?' the boy nods.

'i love him, he's cute!' he says. 'it came out good,' he mumbles, looking at his drawing.

renjun reminds me of a small child who is showing his parents a drawing he made for them. it's cute how his eyes sparkle.

renjun turns to me. 'why are you here?' i look down at my hands. 'i just needed some air,' i answer. the boy nods.

'are you always here? i haven't seen you around?' i asks changing the subject. the boy nods. 'yeah.' 'all alone?' i ask. the boy nods.

'yeah, i don't really have friends,' he mutters. i pat his back. 'if you want you can join me and my friends at lunch tomorrow?'

'really?' i nod and smile. 'yeah of course, i don't want you to sit here all alone,' i say. the boy suddenly wraps his arms around me. i stiffen at the sudden movement.

i hug the smaller boy back. 'thank you nana.' i smile at the nickname. i pull back and pinch his cheeks. 'you're so cute,' i say, the boy blushes and looks away.

i grin. i grab my bag. 'i have to go now, my class i starting,' i say and stand up. 'alright, bye bye!' the boy waves. i walk to the door, but suddenly remember something.

i stop and turn around. 'can i have your number?' i ask. renjun flushes red and nods. he grabs his phone and gives it to me. he does the same with mine.

i smile at him. 'i'll see you tomorrow, bye.' i wave at the boy and walk away with a big smile plastered on my face.

i look at the contact.

new contact:
injun ☀️

i smile and put my phone away. i want to talk to the short boy more. he's interesting.

tomorrow i'm going on a school trip for three to four days so idk if i can update this.

but don't worry, i'm leaving in the morning so i can update tomorrow morning and maybe if we have wifi in the houses i can update again.

if not then sorry, i will return in a few days

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