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i never knew i could be this happy. having jeno wrapped around in my arms is the best thing that ever happened to me.

is this how it feels when you finally get together with someone? because me and jeno are not together yet. he still needs to break up with minsun.

god, i hate her so much. 'jaemin?' i hum. 'i need to pee.' i groan and hold him tighter. 'no, i don't want to let you go,' i grumble.

'but i really need to pee,' jeno says. i shake my head. 'can't you stay like this for five more minutes?' jeno shakes his head. 'no, i don't want to pee my pants.' jeno tried to escape from my grip, but i hold him too tight.

'nana, let go of me, i really need to go!' he says. i groan. 'fine, i'm hungry anyway,' i answer. jeno smiles and steps out of bed, taking his warmth with him.

i shiver and walk downstairs. his parents are still out till tomorrow, which gives us time to clean up the whole place.

i sighs when i see empty red cups laying all over the ground. here and there some snack and spilled drinks make the floor sticky.

'jeno, i'm going to clean this up okay!' i scream. i hear someone running down the stairs. 'wait, let me help,' he says and picks up all the cups.

'it's okay, you can go and eat something,' i say. jeno shakes his head. 'didn't you say you were hungry? you go and eat.' he continues picking up the cups. 

'let's go eat together then,' i say and grab his hand, dragging him outside. jeno pouts. 'but we have to clean up before my parents come home,' he sputters. i chuckle. 'we can always ask donghyuck to tag along.'

jeno shakes his head. 'no, he's all hangover, you know a hangover donghyuck, mark is probably with him,' he says. i sigh. 'then we just clean it up, let's go to macdonald,' i say cheery.

jeno gives me a judging look. 'why would you go to macdonalds? it's literally ten in the morning.' i shrug. 'i just feel like eating chicken nuggets.'

jeno snorts. 'okay, then let's go.'

i hear jeno sighs for the fifth time this day, now i'm just getting annoyed. i let the plastic bag filled with cups fall on the ground and lay my hands on my hips.

'why do you keep sighing?' i ask annoyed. jeno looks at me, then he sighs. 'jeno i'm this close to throwing the plastic bag at you,' i say loudly.

jeno chuckles. 'i just don't know how to break up with minsun,' he says then. i look up, then i go back to cleaning the floor. 'why?' i ask.

'it's just, i don't want her to tell the whole school i'm gay,' he says. i hum, holding back my eye roll. 'but let's admit that your not the straightest either,' i say.

jeno just shrugs. 'i'm only gay for you.' i snort. 'yeah sure, then your still gay.' jeno throws his cleaning cloth at me. 'hey, don't hit me!'

'we both know at true,' i mumble. 'what's you say?' i groan and look jeno in the eyes. 'look jeno, your gay, bisexual, whatever you might me. but your not a heterosexual,' i ramble.

jeno sits down next to me on the ground. 'how can you be so sure of that?' he asks. i laugh and run my hand through his hair while he lays his head on my shoulder. 'jeno, you kissed me multiple times,' i answer.

'and don't think that i don't notice you checking out renjun, he has a boyfriend you know.' jeno's eyes widen and he looks at me, taking his head off my shoulder. 'he has a boyfriend?'

i nod and giggle. 'i didn't know that either, he lives in china. renjun said we can meet him sometimes,' i explain to the boy.

he pouts. 'i thought he was single, he looked single. not that i want to be with him or anything!' he rambles. i giggle at his cute actions. 'it's okay, i thought the same.'

'did you know that hyun was crushing on minsun?' i blur out. jeno's eyes widen again and he makes a surprised sound. 'really?' i nod with a small smile.

'she's over her now, because minsun is not the nicest person. and she met this girl areum i think?' jeno nods and points at his cheeks. 'the one with the cute chubby cheeks right?' i nod.

jeno sighs and i almost want to yell at him for sighing again. 'i missed so much, i didn't talk to you guys that much since we got together,' he says sadly.

i pat his hair. 'don't worry, you didn't miss that much,' i say trying to comfort him. jeno nods, then he stands up. 'anyway, want to get ice cream?'

i shake my head and stand up too. 'no, we still need to clean all this shit up,' i say. jeno rolls his eyes. i take a step forward and cup his cheeks. 'we can get ice cream after we finished cleaning up, okay?'

jeno nods and i smile. i close my eyes and give him a peck on his nose. jeno looks away, his face red and all flustered. i grin.

'ah so cute,' i say pinching his cheeks. he slaps my hand away. 's-stop, let's clean this mess up.'

i'm so clumsy it's annoying me

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