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'jaemin?' i hear the voice but at the same time i don't. i keep looking at the trees in front of me, the light shines on the leaves, making them look shiny.

'na jaemin!' i flinch when i hear the voice again i blink a view times and look up. donghyuck and mark are standing in front of me, both with a big frown.

'why are you here alone?' mark asks, sitting down next to me on the bench. donghyuck also sites down in the grass in front of us. he smiles at me, i don't smile back.

i shrug. 'i needed some time to be alone i guess?' mark nods. 'are you okay?' he asks. i don't answer his question. what's the point of lying.

'i'm sorry for yesterday,' mark mumbles, breaking silence. i look at the boy next to me. 'i'm sorry i didn't came after you, i should've done that,' he continues.

i show him a little smile. 'it's okay, don't worry about it.' i pat my friend on the back. then i look back at the trees.

the sun went down, now the trees look sad. the light isn't shining on them anymore, but instead they are surrounded in the dusk light.

'minsun said to give you this, we went to sun&moon and she wanted to give you it. but uhh, you ditched school,' mark says and holds a white paper up. i look at him. 'what's it for?' mark shrugs. 'she said it were the notes for math.' i nod and take the paper. stuffing it into my pocket.

'jaemin?' donghyuck speaks up. i look at him and hum. 'don't pick the bricks up.' i stare at him. 'promise?'

i shake my head and stand up. 'it's getting late, i should be home by now.' i see donghyuck looking at me with hurt eyes. i smile sadly at him, i can't promise him.

i never broke a promise and i'm never going to.

i look at the paper again. what's with all the letters. this is my second one today. i bet she didn't know donghyuck and mark were seeing me today.

i don't want to open it. i know what's she's going to say anyway. i grab the paper and put it in my math book. i never use the book anyway.

i walk towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. my eyes catch myself in the mirror and i look away immediately.

i've seen myself way too much, i'm getting bored of my chubby cheeks and boring brown eyes.

i flinch when i hear the doorbell ring, making my toothbrush falling out of my mouth. i pick it up. 'who the hell is visiting at a time like this?' i grumpily mumble.

i walk down the stairs, my toothbrush still in my hands. wait, do i have toothpaste on my mouth? i would be even more ugly if i had.

i clean the corners of my mouth and open the door. i stiffen when i recognize the boy standing at my front door.

'what the fuck are you doing here?' i hiss. jeno chuckles. 'since when do you curse?' he asks and he steps in. he takes his shoes off and i look at him, did he just walk in without permission?

jeno looks at me and smiles and i swear, my heart jumped. i roll my eyes and close the door. 'i don't know, since when do you cheat?' i spat out.

that seemed to hit jeno, regarding to his red face. 'that's actually why i came here,' he mutters. 'what'd you say?' 'that why i came here for, i wanted to talk about that.'

i nod and point upstairs. jeno, immediately knowing what i mean, nods. in silence we walk upstairs and i groan in myself. why does he want to talk about this, i don't want it.

'so, what did you wanted to say?' i ask while sitting down on my bed. jeno clears his throat. 'i'm, uhh, i wanted to say that-' i cut him off. 'if your not going to talk normal, you can leave.'

jeno nods. 'i just wanted to say that i'm really sorry for kissing you multiple times,' he says. oh, don't worry, you can do it again, and again.

'why'd you do it?' i ask. it stays silent, and i know that i'm not getting a answer. 'let me ask you something else. why'd you cheat?' jeno looks down and frowns.

'i thought you had a girlfriend jeno, you had a crush on her since forever and now you're with her, you're kissing someone else. why?' jeno frowns even more.

'i don't know,' he mumbles, but i can't hear him. 'what did you say?' jeno turns around.

'i said that i don't know, i don't know why i kissed you! i don't know why i cheated, i just don't know!' he yells. i look at him. i didn't mean for him to snap like that.

'i'm leaving.' i stand up. 'wait! minsun gave me this once, she said i should give it to you, i forgot to do it,' i say and i grab my math book. taking the white paper out of it and handing it to my friend.

'thanks,' he whisper. i nod at him. 'jaemin?' i look up and nod. 'you're slowly becoming the old, sad jaemin again.' i nod and show a sad smile. how come everyone notices it?

'i know,' i mumble. 'listen jeno, if you feel confused you should figure out your real feelings, don't listen to others opinions, just listen to your own,' i say before pushing him out of the door.

i sigh. it's time for minsun to get her payback.

i'm so late for school and it's raining so fml

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