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'who do i need to stab?' i sigh and roll my eyes at donghyuck. 'no one, i just went to bed late last night.' donghyuck shakes his head. 'jaemin, this is why i'm the smart one here,' he says cockily. i look at him, what in the hell is he talking about? donghyuck sighs when he sees my confused expression. 'you said that you were going to sleep yesterday on the phone call, it was ten o'clock, you dumbass.' i groan and rest my head in my hands. he's right, why did i forget that. if there's a class for lying, i should apply for one. i totally can't do it.

'so what's on your mind?' i run my eyes. i'm really tired and i don't want to talk about it. knowing that donghyuck will make a fuss. 'c'mon, please, your life is so exciting!' the brown haired boy grabs my hand and gives me puppy eyes. 'please, i'll treat you the black soul of jaemin.' i look up and smile a little. 'really?' the boy nods. i fold my arms. 'give it to me first, then i'll tell you,' i say to my friend. donghyuck rolls his eyes. 'why are you like this, i really don't know, your annoying!' he stands up and walks to the counter.

after a while i have the warm coffee cup in my hands. 'yesterday i kissed jeno, well technically he kissed me, but that's not the point!' i know i start to ramble and shut my mouth. my gaze goes to the cup in my hands. i bet my soul looks like the liquid that's inside. okay, maybe i'm overreacting again, maybe it looks a bit less dark.

donghyuck blinks with his mouth agape. it takes a few seconds for him to find the right words. 'okay, but what's the problem?' he asks. i sigh and pout. 'the problem is that i don't know what the problem is!' i run a hand trough my hair. 'i didn't hate it, i actually think he's a good kisser for a guy who never did that before.' i take a sip of my drink before talking again. donghyuck stays silent and looks at me, his brown eyes scanning my expression.

'look, it wasn't cheating for him right, he and misnun aren't even together yet.' donghyuck hums. 'and he's straight, he likes girls, he isn't in to dudes. actually i'm overreacting, there's not a problem at all.' i smile and donghyuck face palms. i raise my eyebrows at him. 'never mind, we'll see how this will go.'

'there definitely is a problem!' i say while leaning on my friend. 'can you like, stop that?' hyun pushes me off and grabs her phone. 'i don't know what to do,' i say, not noticing how hyun is ignoring me. 'he likes minsun, but why did it feel like he liked the kiss?' i slap my cheek. hoping to get my thoughts to stop running around in my head, but instead i got my cheek red. 'and now, he didn't talk to me today. he said it didn't matter because were best friends, but now he is ignoring me.' i look at hyun. 'what do you think?'

hyun sighs. 'i think you should talk to him, to make things less awkward.' i shake my head aggressively. that's a stupid idea. he's going to think that the moment meant a lot to me, or worse, he will think that i'm into him. i gasp dramatically. 'hyun, that's a bad idea!' hyun rolls her eyes. 'then why are you here anyway? stop whining out big baby.'

my eyes widen and i shoot up. i grab hyun's hand. 'that day in the cafe, what was wrong?' the girl looks at me with big confused eyes. 'you looked really sad when minsun said that's she will not wait for jeno, what was wrong?' hyun's eyes widen and her cheeks turn red. 'i-oh, that, yes.' the girl fiddles with the ring on her index finger. 'it was nothing, really.' i roll my eyes, noticing her change of mood.

'you can tell me, you know that right?' the girl nods. 'it's just, minsun likes to brag about these kinds of things, it's getting annoying. i have to wake up and go to school, then see her and hear her talk about all the good things in her life.' hyun slaps the couch, blinking with her eyes. 'i always have to listen to her boyfriend dramas, or how her ex wanted her back.' she looks at me. 'i only have one ex and he was a fucking asshole, minsun knows that, yet she still talks about how amazing she is and how many exes she has.' i blink, i never knew she thought this about her friend.

the girl places the pillow between her arms. 'i know that i should be happy for her, she's my best friend. but can't she stop for once? i know she's great and good at everything, but so am i!' i nod and bite my lip. hyun looks so upset right now. 'jaemin, i am kind right?' i nod without hesitation. the girl smiles sadly. 'then why is no one coming for me? am i not pretty enough for them? i know i'm shy at first, and i know that i'm not good at making conversations or making friends in general.' she blinks, trying to hold back her tears.

'and i know that i should really work on showing what i feel and open up more. but it's so hard, i can't just open up to someone and tell him or her all my problems. seeing misnun do that at ease is only making it harder for me.' i look at the girl. i know what she means with not showing her emotions. a lot of people think she's mean, or cold. but when you really get to know her she is really sweet and kind. she's the friend that you will call to say that you found a little kitten and she will be so happy about it.

it's hard seeing my friend like this. i pull her into a hug. 'it's okay, i know that you will meet someone who's perfect for you, trust me.' the girl sobs in my chest and i rub her back. i really want her to get someone that will help her to get out of the little bubble. i need someone to pop the bubble.

i feel sad for hyun :((

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