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i turn around in my bed once again and sigh. i have too many to worry about, i can't close my eyes. i want to sleep so badly, but i have so much on my mind i just can't.

my thoughts are mainly about jeno. i just really hope he is okay, it must've been a shock for him.

we both knew minsun was going to spread rumors, but i thought she would spread it differently. maybe gossip with people here and there, not post a picture on the official school site.

i groan and stuff my head in my pillow. i'm so embarrassed about it. i'm not ashamed, just embarrassed for some weird reason.

i hear a soft know on my door and i hum. the door opens and closes quickly. i squint my eyes, seeing my mom in front of me.

she smiles at me. 'jaemin, are you okay?' she asks. i look at her, then i just shrug. she sits down next to me and sighs.

'what's on your mind, you didn't talk to me as much as you did before,' she says. i look at her with a guilty look. that wasn't my intention, i didn't want to make her worried.

'sorry, i just have so much on my mind lately.' the female nods slowly. 'do you want to talk about it?' she ask after the silence.

'i don't really know,' i whispers, looking at my hands. they are slightly shaking, shaking hands run in the family. 

'is jeno still together with that girl? you didn't hang out with him lately.' oh, if only she knew.

'he broke up with her,' i blurt out. my eyes widen and i put my hand against my mouth. 'i didn't mean to say that,' i mumble through my hand. my mother laughs and grabs my hand.

'why did they break up? they looked good together,' she says. i shrug. 'they looked okay i guess.' my mother laughs and pinches my cheeks.

'is someone jealous?' i groan and slap her hand away. 'stop, i'm not. they just didn't look that good together,' i hiss. 'if you say so.' i nod at my mom.

it stays silent before my mother speaks up again. 'c'mon jaemin, i check the school site so now and then,' she then says.

my cheeks burn up and i look away from her. 'i know how you look like jaemin, i know how jeno looks like. now, tell me everything before i ask donghyuck,' she scolds.

i groan. i hate donghyuck so much, he always tells everything to my mom. she could ask or my biggest secret and he would tell her.

'we just kissed,' i murmur. my mom laughs. 'and he broke up with minsun because of you, didn't he?' i stiffen before nodding slowly.

'so he likes you?' i nod again. 'well he told me, i don't know, i guess he does,' i say. my mom giggles. 'are you two getting together soon?'

'i hope so, i really like him and everything about him. i don't want him to quit just because everyone is going to be staring at us in school. we've been trough a lot and i don't want to drop everything now. if he does i'm going to be really sad, even more than i am now.'

i take a deep breath. that was a mouth full, but it feels nice after blurting everything out. i feel relieved and maybe my mom can help me.

'did you and jeno talk yet?' she asks after i told her that he went home after seeing the picture. i shake my head. 'i'm afraid he doesn't want to see me,' i say and pout.

my mother flicks my forehead and sighs loudly. 'jesus jaemin, he definitely needs you right now, you need to comfort him,' she says annoyed.

i rub my forehead. 'i don't know what to say to him.' my mother flicks my head again. 'just hug him you stupid child, i think he really is in need of a hug right now,' she scolds.

i nod. 'please don't flick me again, that hurt.' the female ignores me and just grins. 'what are you waiting for, go and call him,' she says.

i give her a blank expression. 'it's three am,' i say. she shrugs. 'i'm sure he's awake, go call him and make sure to sleep when you're done,' she says. i nod and grab my phone of my nightstand.

i tap his number and put the device against my ear. i give a thumbs up to my mom and she walks away with a little smile.

after a few seconds he picks up. 'jaemin, is anything wrong?' he asks immediately. i chuckle. 'that's what i wanted to ask you,' i say.

'oh, i'm okay i guess,' he answers. i raise my eyebrows, not trusting his tone. 'you really are okay?' i ask again.

i can feel jeno nod, even if i can't see him. 'yeah, don't worry,' he answers. 'are you going to school tomorrow?'

he shrugs. 'i don't know, i guess i'm scared to go,' he says. i chuckle softly and play with my earbuds. 'yeah, me too.'

it's stays silent for a while. 'jaemin, do you really like me?' jeno asks with a soft voice. i try my best to hold my squeal in.

'i do really like you,' i say then. 'i-i really like you too.' i giggle at his cute stutter. 'c-can we be together then?' he mumbles so soft i can almost not hear him, almost.

i feel myself getting red at the question. i bite my lip, not really knowing how to answer the sudden question. i mean, i do want to be with him, i want it so bad.

'if you want to, then yes,' i whisper. i hear jeno make a sound, it sounds like he is strangling a cat.

'n-nice?' i laugh. 'i guess it's nice yeah.' jeno laughs too. 'i'll see you tomorrow okay?' 'okay, bye.'

i hang up with a bubbly feeling inside my stomach. it's not bad, i like the feeling.

g'day mate

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