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i can feel everyone staring at me. every single person i pass on the hallways looks at me, it's making me so uncomfortable.

i lower my head, trying to be less recognizable. which of course, didn't work. 'hey faggot!' i look up and i follow the voice. a group of boys, who are standing against the lockers, smile at me.

i ignore them and walk to the cafeteria. i guess jeno really broke up with minsun yesterday. he told me he was going to, let's just say i thought about the: 'first seeing then believing'.

i was shocked when i found out he really broke up, knowing it was probably really hard for him. i sigh and sit down next to donghyuck.

'dude, everyone is talking about you and jeno,' he says the moment i sit down. 'what are they saying?' i ask.

donghyuck clears his throat awkwardly. 'well, it's more like a picture spreading through the whole school, i guess?' my eyes widen.

a picture. 'of who, what's on it?' i ask quickly, i'm being on full panic mode. the others sit down too and notice me being all panicked.

'what's wrong nana?' the soft voice of renjun asks. i turn to him. 'what kind of picture is it?' renjun shrugs. 'i don't know anything about a picture, you guys are my only friends,' he says.

mark sighs. 'i don't really know if it's for us to tell,' he says to me. i feel myself getting annoyed and i shrug. 'well i guess it is, since the topic is about me.'

i hear donghyuck mumbling something and i ignore it, taking a bite from my apple. 'let's just wait till jeno is here too okay?' mark says.

'what about me?' i look up, immediately smiling when i see the boy. jeno takes a seat next to me. i take a closer look at him.

he looks tired, really tired. the big bags under his eyes give it away. 'are you okay?' i ask softly. jeno nods and forces a little smile. 'yeah, you?' i nod. 'they won't tell me what's going on,' i say with a pout.

'mark told me to wait till you were here too, now that your here.' i glare at mark. 'i would like to know why the whole school is looking at me,' i continue.

mark sighs and looks at his boyfriend, who just shrugs and fishes his phone out his pocket. i look at jeno. 'are people talking about you?' he asks. i nod slowly. 'they are talking about you too,' i add.

his face falls, the little smile is nowhere to be seen. 'what are they saying?' donghyuck shows him his phone.

i thought jeno looked sad already, but i seemed like he broke down inside when he saw what was on the screen.

i grab the device out of my friends hand and look at it. it's weird, when i saw the photo, i was concerned about jeno more then myself.

maybe it's because i already came out and he didn't. it probably feels like he's being slapped in the face by life.

i blink and look at the screen again. the picture of me and jeno kissing on his birthday, without our shirts, is still there.

i slowly look up at donghyuck. 'where did you find it?' i ask calmly. the boy looks nervous before answering my question. 'it's on the school site, twitter, instagram. it's everywhere. there is no way someone doesn't know about this.'

i nod and look at jeno. i grab his hand to comfort him, but he pulls away. right there, i maybe felt my heart breaking.

'i-i'm going home,' he stutters before walking away. i watch him walk away, with every step he takes i feel myself becoming sadder and sadder.

maybe i deserved that. i wasn't even that drunk, i shouldn't have kissed him back that day. i shouldn't have kissed him in the first place.

'are you okay?' renjun asks. i shake my head. 'jeno's not, that hurts more.' no one dares to say anything, it's just the painful silence and my thoughts.

donghyuck pats me on the back. 'i'm sorry jaemin, do you want to beat minsun up together?' i shake my head. 'we're not going to beat her up,' mark hisses at his boyfriend.

donghyuck just rolls his eyes at him. 'it'll be okay, you know everyone did the same when me and that stupid bitch got together. you just have to keep going, without thinking too much about the effects,' donghyuck says.

i nod. 'i know that, but i'm worried about jeno,' i say truthfully. mark and renjun hum, donghyuck just nods. 'we are too,' renjun says.

'but i believe that you two can sort everything out and be happy in the end,' he continues. i sigh. 'you make it sound easy.'

renjun nods. 'because it isn't that complicated, the only thing you need to do is make it official with jeno. the students will get used to it after a while.' i nod again, biting my lip.

he's right. i can't let this stop me, neither can jeno. we care this far, if we drop everything now then this was nothing but a waste of our time.

i was just thinking, what if people think i'm straight. do i look straight?

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