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'jaemin, i really need to talk to you,' hyun says. i look at her. her eyes are red and puffy. 'did you cry?' the girl rubs her eyes and shakes her head.

'no.' i raise my eyebrows at her. she definitely cried. 'liar, let's go to my house,' i say while grabbing her arm.

'no, i don't want to go to your house,' she cries out. 'let's go to your house?' she shakes her head again. i sigh. 'where do you wanna go then?' 'the rooftop,' she answers. i nod.

'okay let's go.' together we walk to the rooftop. 'what happened?' i ask. 'i did something wrong?' my eyes widen. 'did you murder someone, if you did then were did you hide the body?'

hyun pulls her arm back. 'why would i murder someone?' i shrug. 'i don't know, you said that you did something wrong.'

the girl sighs and opens the door of the rooftop. 'if you didn't murder anyone, then what's the problem?' i ask.

we sit down on the gravel. hyun plays with the little stones and sighs. 'you know i like someone, right?' i nod. 'yeah, you still haven't told me who.'

'that someone was already taken, but i still liked her.' my eyes widen. 'her?' i ask. the girl nods. 'yeah, her, i still like her.'

'who is she?' i ask. tears begin to form in her eyes and she roughly wipes them away. 'it's okay to cry,' i say and pat her back.

'i like minsun.' after she said that, she begins to cry. i look at her in shock. she likes minsun?

the girl looks up to me with tears eyes. 'i told my parent that i'm gay,' she says while the tears are flowing over her cheeks. i pull her into a hug.

the girl lays her head in the crook of my neck and her tears are making my shirt wet. 'how did they react?' i asks carefully. the girl says nothing but cries even harder.

'i'll take that as a "it went really bad"' the girl nods. i pull out of the hug and look at the crying girl. 'it's okay,' i say to her. hyun shakes her head.

'it's not, my parent are angry at me. they don't accept me at all,' she says, her voice is thick from all the crying she did. 'they will learn to accept it after a while, they're probably shocked,' i say.

she shakes her head. 'they're so disappointed in me. first jisung comes out and then i do the same, they probably thought that i was straight,' she rambles.

'i think that my parents hate me and jisung.' i shake my head. 'i know your parents, they love you two both. it'll be okay, don't worry.'

'it will take a while for them to get used to it, but they will accept you.' hyun nods. 'and you always have me and the others.' the girl nods again.

'gosh, i hate crying,' she says while wiping her eyes, but the tears keep flowing.

the door opens and i look up. i see renjun standing there. i smile at him, he smiles back. he turns around and opens the door again to walk away, but then stops.

he takes something out of his bag and walks toward us. 'hi,' he says softly. hyun shoots up and bumps her head with renjun's.

'oh my god sorry,' renjun says while rubbing his forehead. hyun turns around. 'it's okay,' she whispers.

renjun sticks out his hand and gives the girl a pack of tissues. 'thank you.' renjun smiles at her. 'okay, i'm leaving,' he says.

i nod. 'renjun, i'll text you later okay?' the boy nods and walks away. hyun looks at me. 'do you know him?' i nod.

'he's cute, maybe i'm developing a tiny crush on him,' i say. hyun's eyes widen. 'what happened to jeno?' i shrug. 'nothing happened between us, why?'

'i thought you liked him.' i shake my head. 'i never liked him, i don't think i ever will.' hyun nods. 'if you say so.'

i look up to the sky. why does everyone keep mentioning me liking jeno. i don't like him at all, just because we kissed and it was a good kiss, doesn't mean i'm all over the boy.

i don't like him, he has minsun and that's it. besides, renjun is way cuter than him and i want to get to know him better.

i'm back from my school trip, the updates will continue

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