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'hey, how are you?' i shrug at the question. 'meh, could've been better.' donghyuck nods. 'where's mark?' i ask when i notice the black haired boy not being with us. donghyuck sighs. 'he's sick,' he says while pouting.

'oh, what does he have?' 'a headache.' i nod and take a bite from my apple. i was very hungry yesterday because i didn't eat anything. now i realized i can't do that again, i hate the feeling of being hungry and besides, i don't want my stomach to growl in class, that's awkward.

'what are you thinking about?' donghyuck asks. 'how jeno came over yesterday and how i should eat more.' donghyuck's mouth drops. 'jeno came over yesterday?' i nod. the brown haired boy makes a weird sound.

'how did it go? did something happen?' i open my mouth to say something but close it when i see jeno and minsun standing behind donghyuck. 'hi,' i say.

the boy smiles at me and i swear, my heart rate jumped. donghyuck makes a weird sound again. minsun and jeno sit next to him.

'hows life going?' donghyuck asks, holding a carrot up to interview the couple. jeno makes a disgusting face and pushes the carrot away. 'life is going great, but my grades can't relate,' he rhymes. i snort. 'your bad at rhyming,' i say taking another bite from my apple.

jeno rolls his eyes at me and minsun smiles. 'i think your great at rhyming!' she says while she grabs his hand. i see jeno's expression slightly change before it becomes happy. it was weird, like he was worried for something.

'your lying, he's shit at rhyming.' i look up and see hyun standing there with two other boys. 'hi,' she says. i smile and wave at her. i look at the boys behind her.

oh shit, he's tall. hyun sits down next to me and gestures the two to sit down too. the two sit down awkwardly and i cough. 'so who are you?' i ask.

hyun sighs. 'that chenle.' she points at the brown haired boy, he smiles at everyone. 'hi,' he says, his voice is really soft. hyun groans and points at the other boy. 'that's jisung, he's my little brother,' she says. my eyes widen.

'i didn't know you had a little brother!' i say. donghyuck nods and even minsun looks surprised. 'that's because he went away for three years,' she answers. 'oh, where'd you go?' i ask him.

'to china,' he answers, his voice surprisingly deep. chenle sighs. 'your so bad at answering questions!' he slaps his hand then looks at me. 'he went to china to dance, because he's super good and all, we met there!' he says enthusiastically.

i smile at the boys energy. 'you dance?' i ask. the boy nods, looking down at his hand, who is intertwined with another hand. i look at chenle and jisung. my mouth forms a oh, that kind of meeting.

'are you two together?' donghyuck asks. chenle lets go of jisung's hand and his cheeks heat up. he nods slowly. 'cool.' donghyuck grabs another carrot. 'you should meet my stupid boyfriend, his ass is sick now,' he says. i hear jisung mumble something.

'so, are you from china?' jeno asks chenle. the brown haired nods proudly. 'i'm from shanghai.' donghyuck's eyes widen. 'so korean is not your first language?' chenle nods. 'well your pretty good at it.' chenle smiles. 'thank you, i try,' he says while smiling.

i look at hyun next to me. she is blushing and fiddling with her fingers. at first i thought that she was embarrassed with her little brother sitting with us.

but then i notice her looking at jeno and minsun. minsun has her legs over jeno's and her face is resting in his shoulder. she looks at the two boys who are talking loudly about something.

jeno is playing with her hair. it looked cute, but it was a bit too cute for my liking. i mean, i get it, you two are finally together after crushing for a whole year. but no need to act cute in front of everyone.

donghyuck and mark also didn't do that, they just stayed the same. well, mark did lay his hand on donghyuck's waist or thigh. and donghyuck maybe played with his ears.

and i'm overthinking everything again.

suddenly hyun stands up from her seat. the whole table turns at her. 'i-i just remembered that i left my books for chemistry in my locker, i'm going to get them,' she stutters with a red face. she looks really upset, i've never seen her like this.

jisung watches his sister walking away before going after her. 'i'll see you in class.' he says to chenle. chenle nods and takes his water bottle.

'well, i don't know what happened, but okay.' i nod at donghyuck. 'yeah, maybe she will tell us later,' i say. i glare at minsun, she looks a bit sad. but her expression changes the moment jeno begins to play with her hair again.

jeno is stupid, i don't know why, he just is. and minsun is too. they're both annoying.

while walking home i feel my phone vibrating. i look at the caller iD.

incoming call:
hyun 🐢

i pick up and put the device next to my ear. 'hello?' i hear some shuffling in the background and then i hear someone crying.

'hyun? are you okay?' i asked with a hint of worry in my voice. 'n-no.' 'why are you crying?' i ask.

'i think i like someone.' she says. i nod, forgetting that she can't see that, so i just hum after that. 'but that someone, is already taken.' she continues.

'who do you like?' i ask. the line falls silent. 'you know what, i'm going to pick you up and then we are going to get ice cream, how does that sounds?' i ask.

't-that sounds good.' 'then i'll see you in ten.' she agrees and i hang up, turning around and walking the other way.

and i need you~ TuTutU and i miss you~ tUtuTU and now i wonder ~~

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