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six months later

'hyun! i haven't seen you in such a long time!' i yell when i see the girl walking up to me. she immediately goes in for a hug, which surprises me.

'why'd you hug me? you aren't a fan of a skin ship?' i ask confused. the girl giggles. 'i just missed my best friend!' she says enthusiastically.

i smile at her cuteness. 'how are you and jeno?' i nod and hold up my thumbs. 'we're doing great actually, i'm really glad we ended up together.'

hyun smiles. 'you know how i told you about the cute girl, areum?' i nod, sipping my coffee. 'we have our first date today, i'm so nervous,' she says, she bites her nails shortly.

my eyes widen. 'but didn't your parents get mad at you, for like coming out?' i ask surprised. she nods, but smiles brightly. 'like they are gonna stop me from dating a goddess.'

i snort and look at my watch. 'are you waiting too?' i nod. 'i'm waiting for jeno, we're supposed to baby sit today,' i answer. 'but he's late.'

hyun smiles. 'you know he never comes on time, he's always ten to fifteen minutes late.' i nod and bite my lip. 'i know, it's so annoying,' i say.

'how did your parents react?' i shrug. 'good, i already can our to them you know.' huub's eyes widen and she gasps. 'how did his parents react then?'

i chuckle. 'we both thought they wouldn't accept us, they just said it was cool and shrugged it off.' i look at my watch again and run a hand trough my pink dyed hair, why is he so late? 'jeno cried,' i say smiling.

i hear panting behind me and i turn around. 'sorry i'm late, i couldn't find my shoe,' he says. i flick his forehead. 'how can you lose a shoe?' i ask clacking my tongue.

jeno furrows his eyebrows and points at me accusingly. 'you hide it after you lost a game of monopoly,' he says. i shrug and smile slyly. 'i didn't, you're crazy.'

hyun looks at the two boys and blinks. 'i missed a lot didn't i?' she says. jeno turns around and smiles at her. 'hyun! how are you?' he girl smiles back and they both catch up with each other before i rap jeno on the shoulder.

'we really need to go now.' he nods and we both say goodbye to our friend. 'is it me or did she become more mature?' jeno asks. i nod. 'i thought the same.'

'anyway, do you know where we need to go?' i nod and open the car. 'wow, such a gentleman,' jeno says sarcastically. i roll my eyes at him. 'you have arms, you can open the door by yourself,' i say, slightly annoyed.

'and don't come late when we need to babysit two kids!' i scold. jeno pouts and nods while adjusting his seatbelt.

'i'm sorry that you threw my shoe somewhere in the closet,' jeno says. i groan and smack his thigh. he smirks before looking at me.

'kinky.' 'shut up.'

'hello, we're so sorry, there was a traffic,' i say to the woman in front of me. the woman smiles and lets us in. 'it's okay.'

'my husband is almost done i think and i would like to warn you two. the kids are a handful, can one of you cook?' she ask. i nod. 'i can cook.' the mother sighs relieved.

'i have ingredients laying in the kitchen. please make sure they eat something.' footsteps are coming from the stairs and a man greets us. 'thank you for babysitting,' he says.

jeno shrugs it off. 'it's no big deal,' he says. 'they need to sleep at eight o'clock, we'll be back around one am? is that okay?' we both nod.

'feel free to eat anything, we'll be going now!' the married couple walks away and jeno and i share a look. 'where are the kids?' jeno asks after our staring contest.

i sigh. 'i have no idea,' i answer. 'we are here!' a high pitched voice yells. we hear running on the stairs and not even a second later, two kids are standing in front of us.

'hello misters,' the tall boy says. behind him stands a smaller boy, he hides behind his brothers back. i crouch down and smile at the boys.

'hello, what's your name?' i ask. the boy smiles. 'i'm gunwoo,' he says. i nod and look at the shorter boy. 'and what's your little brothers name?' i ask.

the boy puffs his cheeks. 'i'm juwon and i am older then him!' he says. jeno giggles at his cuteness. i chuckle too. 'sorry, i didn't know you were older then him,' i apologize.

i stand up. 'should we make food for them?' i ask jeno. he shrugs. 'i don't know, your better with kids then i am,' he answer. i sighs. 'i'm not asking for you to change their diapers or something, jesus.'

i walk to the kitchen, leaving jeno and the kids behind. 'where is he going?' i hear gunwoo aks jeno. 'he's going to make food, we should help him,' he answers.

in the end only juwon came up to me, asking if he could help. 'i'll be okay, go play with jeno,' i say to the toddler. the boy shakes his head. 'i don't want to play with them. they are watching tv and it's boring.'

'you can watch me cook if you'd like?' the boy nods, i laugh and pick him to let him sit on the counter. 'what are you cooking?' he asks.

'just some pasta, nothing big,' i answer. the boys eyes sparkle. 'i like pasta!' he says enthusiastically. i giggle. 'that's good to hear them, can you get jeno for me?' he boy nods and i help him off the counter.

a minute later i feel two arms wrapped around me. i hold back a squeal and i feel bubbly inside. 'l-let go,' i stutter out. jeno presses a kiss in my neck and lets go of me.

'since when do you stutter?' he asks. i ignore him and shove plates in his arms. 'can you get the table ready?' jeno laughs and nods before walking away.

'jeno?' the boy hums and look up at gunwoon. 'are you and jaemin best friends?' he asks. i choke on my pasta and cough, jeno passes me the water and rubs me on the back.

jeno nods. 'uh, we special best friends,' he answers the curious boy. 'but why did jeno give you a kiss?' juwon asks. i choke again and flush red. why are these kids asking so many questions?

jeno smiles at the brothers. 'you see, jaemin and i have a special relationship,' he says calmly. gunwoo eyes spark. 'like mommy and daddy?' he asks.

jeno laughs. 'no, we are not married yet.' i look at my plate, warming up inside. 'oh, are you going to marry each other then?'

i look at gunwoo. 'maybe we will,' i answer his question. 'but you are both boys,' he says. jeno nods. 'yes we are. but two boys can marry each other. just like your parents can, or like two girls can,' he explains the boy.

'oh, can you also marry a dog?' juwon asks. i let out a laugh. 'i don't know, i never thought about marrying a dog.'

'did you two kiss yet?' gunwoo asks suddenly. i stand up from the table. 'i'm done eating, i'll wash the dishes.'

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