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'good morning!' i say happily while sitting down next to hyun. she looks at me with raised eyebrows. 'what made you so happy?' she asks. i smile at my friend.

'i realized something yesterday.' the girl sighs. 'at what time? did you reach for the snickers again?' i roll my eyes. 'shut up, leave snickers alone. they help me think okay!' i defend myself.

the girl snorts and nods. 'sure, go on.' i nod. 'so it was three am, i went downstairs for the snickers because i needed time to think-' 'think about what?' she cuts off.

i sigh and look at her. 'just listen okay.' the girl nods and holds her hands up. 'i needs to think about my situation with jeno, you know?' the girl nods.

'then my mom came downstairs because i can't tiptoe. we talked together and then i came to the conclusion that i like him!' i say while smiling.

'then why are you smiling?' she asks. i shrug. 'i don't know actually.' the girl sighs and plays with her pencil. 'you like him, why are you happy, he's taken by my crush,' she says.

i giggle. 'we're stupid aren't we?' i ask. hyun nods. 'but we can't help it, we can't pick out someone to like,' i say. hyun snorts.

'since when are you so wise?' 'i copied my mother's sentence, i would never come up with that,' i answer. the girl smiles softly. 'of course, you're way to stupid for a wise sentence like that!' she laughs out.

i slap her arm and pout. 'now it looks like i'm stupid,' i say. 'but you are stupid,' a voice says. i turn around and see the mark and donghyuck standing behind us.

they sit down on the table. 'jaemin finally accepted his love for his best friend!' hyun spats out. i flush red. 'i don't love him, i like him, it's a crush that will go away eventually,' i rapidly say.

mark says nothing and just gives me a look. 'sure, your two are going to have babies in the future!' the brown haired says enthusiastically.

i feel my cheeks heat up and i hide my face in my hands. 'see!' donghyuck points at me. 'your not denying it!' mark pushes his boyfriends arm down. 'do you want everyone to hear it?' he hisses.

donghyuck shakes his head. 'then maybe you should stop yelling,' mark says. donghyuck groans. 'you're such a party pooper,' he mumbles.

'i'm not, you're just over dramatic,' mark spats back. 'you keep reacting to me, now who's dramatic?' 'it's still you.'

i look at the bickering couple. i don't understand how those two met each other or how they managed to stay together, but i hope they will stay together forever.

even though they bicker more then i can even imagine, they still compliment each other. mark thinking before doing while donghyuck is more like a doing before thinking.

mark is calm and hyuck is like a hyper active kid whose on drugs. okay maybe i'm overreacting, but donghyuck has a lot of energy.

'hey guys!' a high pitched voice says. i immediately recognize the voice and like that, my happy mood fades away.

like a dark cloud blocked the sun.

jeno sits down next to me, with minsun on the other side of him. he has two options, he can choose between us two.

who is he going to choose in the end?

i feel my ears and cheeks burning up when my thighs touch his. funny, this happened before and i didn't mind. now i'm feeling all jiggly when out thighs tough.

i glare at the couple next to me. he's holding her hand. oh how i wish i was her for a moment. i wish he held mine like that.

maybe our hand fit together perfectly, like mark and donghyuck's, or like jisung and chenle. i don't see them around that much, but they're always together.

i wish i could be like that with jeno.

i'm happy that i accepted my feeling towards him, otherwise i would get really tired of it. i love my mom for helping me at three am.

suddenly i feel something on my thigh and tense up. i slowly look down and see jeno's hand resting on my thigh.

am i happy while he's doing this? yes.

but i would be more happy if he wasn't holding minsun's hand at the same time.

wattpad deleted my chapter while i publishes it. smh, sorry for the late update.

blame wattpad

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