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i smile at hyun. she is enthusiastically explaining how she got a good grade in her test for math. let's just say she tells her stories with dramatic effects.

'so yeah, i got a good grade, you definitely can't relate.' i groan. 'why do you attack me like that?' the girl shrugs and smiles sweetly at me.

'hey i have to go to my locker, i'll see you tomorrow?' hyun nods and waves me goodby before walking away.

my locker is on the first floor, i'm currently on the second, so i have to walk down the stairs. i hate the location of my locker, it's next to the library and students always sit next to it.

i always have to ask people if they can move, it always sounds so rude. besides, it's always the same groups who sits there. let's just say, they're popular in our school and i'm happy i don't know them well.

i've heard story's about them, they are not sunshine and unicorns stories. like i said, i'm happy i never had to talk to them, if you count the "can you move a bit?" out.

i walk towards my locker with my head hanging low. 'can you move?' i ask carefully, not making eye contact. the girl smiles at me. 'yeah sure, sorry.'

the girl moves away and stands next to a tall boy, i feel their eyes burning in my back. i ignore it and open my locker.

a white paper sticks on the side of the door. i raise my eyes brows in confusion not daring to look back. i take it of the door, put my books in my locker and close it.

i walk away ignoring all the stares i'm getting. i look at the best folded paper in my hands. who the hell put it in my locker and how did he or she get in my locker?

i feel myself getting anxious and i look around. the students are doing the normal things they always do, but one of these could've put this paper in my locker.

should i open it? i shake my head and put it in my bag. i'll wait till i'm home.

i smile at my mom before going upstairs. i grab my bag and sit down on my desk. i plug my earphones in and smile. i like the feeling when you're finally home after a long day in school.

while grabbing my book, i accidentally grab the white paper too. i frown, i forgot about it. why not open it now?

i look at the paper again, making sure it is addressed to me. and yes, on the corner of the paper is my name written.

i bite my lip, who the hell wrote this? maybe it's just a confession, i read about that.

i hesitantly unfold the paper, i'm still scared to open it, what if this some sick prank?

i stiffen when i read the words written in a neat handwriting. tears are escaping and dripping on my book, making the papers wet.

na jaemin,

you and jeno think you are the bestest friends of all, right?

what a joke, i find it a pretty funny joke if you ask me. have you heard the rumors? almost everyone in our school is talking about you,

you and your little secret.

you know what i'm talking about right? i think, in maybe two days, the whole school knows it too.

but don't worry, cause jeno will stay by your side, he will right? your best friend, the person you trust with all your secrets will always stay by your side.

you are probably wondering why i'm writing this bullshit letter. why would anyone send a letter these days?

i'll be straightforward to you. i like jeno, i like him a lot.

and do you think i don't notice the looks you two give each other? do you think i'm stupid?

of course you don't know who i am, or maybe you do know, it's not that hard to figure out.

just stay away from jeno and look in the mirror. do you really think he was going to choose for you? with your looks i don't think so. maybe that's why all your relationships didn't work out.

let's say you're not the prettiest, or the most handsome, whatever you want. you can't see it? let me help you.

your cheeks are really chubby, most of the times it looks cute, but with you, you just look fat.

you're tall, that way everything you looks super clumsy, i wouldn't do anything if i were you. especially not smile, your smile is way too big, it always looks fake. it's just ugly.

look in the mirror and see for yourself. do you really think jeno would choose you? now that i think of him, wasn't he the only one who knew about your secret?

mhm, maybe i'm just imagining things.

- [o.ms]

for the record, i love jaemin with all my heart and his smile lights up my world.

sorry for chapter 2.0 it was a mess, i'm not satisfied with this one either. sorry again

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