the beginning of the end

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Veronica's P.O.V

   Buzz Buzz. I toss and turn trying to close my eyes again. Buzz Buzz. I try to ignore the vibrating sound that rings through my eardrums. Buzz Buzz. My eyes shoot open and I groan as I sit up. I run my hand through my greasy, disgusting hair. I look to my side to see the source of the annoying noise that woke me from my slumber. Buzz Buzz. I grunt at the sound and pick up my phone from the nightstand. Toni. Ugh, why is she calling me?

   I pick it up before it was about to stop ringing and answer.

   "Hello?" I asked groaning.

   "Veronica! Where the hell are you?" She yelled through the phone.

   "First of all, good morning to you too. What's with the screaming and sudden annoyance that's coming from you," I asked rubbing my eyes.

   "Veronica, me and Cheryl have been texting and calling you for the past half an hour! There's a serpent meeting right now!" Toni told me.

   I shot up and my eyes widened. Crap.

"Is Fp there yet?" I asked jumping out of bed.

"Not yet, but you better hurry! It could start any minute now!" Toni said through my old, trashy phone.

"On my way," I say as I hang up the phone. I scramble around my messy trailer and find my blue denim cut-off shorts. I slip them on along with my serpent jacket. I grab my phone and walk to my motorcycle.

When I arrive at the White Wyrm, I tie my hair into my classic ponytail. I tighten my ponytail and walk through the doors. I see Toni and she shoots me a look.

"Veronica! Where the hell have you been?" She asks me as Cheryl approaches us.

"Like anybody else on a Sunday morning! Sleeping in!" I yelled back crossing my arms.

She rolled her eyes and I looked around. "Is Fp here yet?" I asked looking around the smoke-filled bar.

"You're lucky he's not, or he'd be all over your ass for not being here on time." Toni said smirking at me.

"Why'd he call this meeting anyway?" I asked stroking my ponytail.

"I'm not sure, but he said it was urgent." Cheryl said sucking on her cherry lollipop. Toni and Cheryl are crazy, but they're my girls. They know all my secrets, and I know theirs. We've been with each other for so long. After all, Toni's the reason I joined the serpents. Well, one of the reasons. They've always had my back. Ever since the first day of kindergarten.

"Uh oh, he never calls those meetings unless it's-"

"Urgent?" A voice asked form behind us. I turn to see Fangs and tilt my head.

"Fogarty. What's up man," I asked doing a bro hug thing.

"Not much, I-"

He was cut off by tapping on a microphone. Everyone turns their attention towards the stage and we see Fp standing there with the mic in his hand. He looked exhausted and... let's just say he looked much worse than usual.

"Everyone, attention please. I'm so sorry to have called this emergency meeting, but it is in fact urgent." I furrowed my brows and looked at the other confused faces surrounding me. I didn't have good feeling about this.

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