the sleepover

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"How can you walk in the sun?" Jughead rolled his eyes while giving me a side glance.

He held up his finger and pointed it to his head. I just noticed he had a huge blue lapis lazuli ring with silver embeddings.

"Woah, the ring?" He turned to me and looked at his hand with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh yeah. I forgot I was wearing that. But yeah, that too. I was actually pointing to my beanie though." I looked from the ground and back up to him, showing a look of confusion.

"Your... beanie," I repeated.

"Yeah. It's spelled. As well as the ring, and for that reason alone is why I can walk in the sun." I nodded a bit, not so understandingly.

"Mirrors?" He stood up, making his way to a mirror laying delicately on a dresser.

"Myth," he said whilst standing in front of the mirror for me to see his reflection staring right back at him.

I nodded again, searching my brain for more questions. At the small thought of one, I asked it. I couldn't bare the silence. It just gave me room to think about what he is- and how badly I want to run away, but I can't. For whatever reason.

"What's it like?" He looked to me for a split second before letting out a sigh as if to say- 'you don't want to know.'

"Well, if you really want to know, it's torture. My veins feel like sandpaper and my lungs feel deflated whenever I haven't eaten. The mere sight of a vein or a neck just makes me want to die because all I can think about is ripping out their throat." I scooted away from him a bit, terrified more with each word.

"Everything is heightened. All my emotions, feelings, and urges are magnified. And my personality before I was turned was tripled with ease. So when I get mad, I have to do everything in my power not to tear that persons head off." I bit my lip and I suddenly wanted to leave— a hundred times more than I wanted before. Just to be somewhere else, anywhere else.

"How many people have you killed?" My voice was flat and I tried to make it seem as emotionless as possible. He laughed.

"Too many to count." I couldn't take this right now.

I got up and waved a hand at him not to follow me. I just made my way downstairs and headed for the door.

Before I left, the tears brimming my eyes forced out words I've always yearned to say. But with what I now know, it only justified my previous accusations.

"You know you're a monster, right?" My whisper was silent. I almost couldn't hear it. But I know he did.

I walked out of the Pembroke and immediately headed for pops. The rain poured on my head but frankly, I couldn't care less. I was just thrilled to be away from him.

   I could tell he wasn't coming after me, cause if he had been then he would've already caught up.

   I charged into pops with tears brimming my eyes. I instantly ordered a strawberry milkshake to which pop gave me an unsure look before taking the order.

   I looked over my shoulder and saw Betty and Archie talking and laughing together. I looked away quickly.

   I ran to a booth and faced the opposite direction of them. I didn't want to see them- either of them.

   It's hard to believe just earlier today I was feeling the safest I ever have. But that moment wasn't long-lived. Once jughead... compelled Archie to leave, he left. And I know he's going to spend the night with Betty.

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