on edge

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"Sweet pea..."

"Well? Aren't you gonna come kiss me?" He asked opening his arms wide as if looking for a hug. I shook my head and they cut off the music.

"What? No! Why would I? I hate you," I said sourly. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh don't be so modest. You and I both know you're only saying that because you're still in love with me." He raised his hand to my cheek and I slapped it off.

"Don't touch me, sweet pea." He gave an unexacting look and took a step back.

"Oh my. Have I disturbed the oh so mighty serpent queen?" I was about to interject and say that I didn't get the position I've always wanted, but someone else cut in.

"No. That'd be me." Sweet pea turned to meet jughead with judging eyes. Sweet pea was taller than Jughead, yet somehow Jughead came out looking like the bigger man.

"Only I'm not the queen, obviously. I'm the king." Sweet pea had a serious expression, then sudd let burst or laughing.

"Oh dude, I'm sorry, I don't really know you, but that just sounded ridiculous, I mean, did you practice that, or?" Jughead smirked and chuckled to himself. That when I realized he hadn't a scratch on him, even after his initiation.

"Dude, you need to chill. Whoever you are, I don't think that you have the right to come in here and act like you own the place." Jughead crossed his arms.

"Well dude, I'm a serpent." Sweet pea popped down the collar of his regular leather jacket, and flashed his serpent tattoo. Jughead examined it.

"You mean, I'm your king? Oh, great. Get the hell out, douchebag." Jughead let his voice tackle sweet pea, but he only smirked back in reply.

"Who are you anyway? Some random guy Ronnie used as a rebound?" Sweet pea pushed onward.

"No, sweet pea!" I yelled from behind.

"No, pee-wee," Jughead started. "It's sweet pea!" He yelled back. "That's what I said." Sweet pea clenched his jaw angrily.

"she's not even the queen. I'm just the king." Sweet pea scoffed and laughed at the same time.

"Really? Where's Fp? Does he know what jackass he left in charge of his gang?" Sweet pea asked cockily, thinking he was winning the argument.

"I'm Fp's son, so I don't think that'll have a great effect on me," Jughead said playing along with it.

Sweet peas expression turned hard. He stared at jughead, not knowing what to do or say.

"Thats what I thought, you jackass." Jughead said expecting sweet pea I step off stage or something. But no, sweet pea took his fist and smashed Jughead's face to the right.

But unlike the average man, Jughead didn't fall, nor did he move his body at all. His head swung to the right, keeping his body perfectly in place.

Jughead turned his head back to sweet pea. He wasn't even bleeding, and sweet pea looked terrified. Jughead cracked his neck and took a step forward, getting close to sweet peas face.

"Do that again, your king will have you executed," Jughead said softly to sweet pea, but loud enough that we could hear. "Or better yet, I'll do the execution myself." Sweet Pea was beyond words intimidated. He looked scared out of his mind, and Jughead just walked right past him giving me a blank expression before leaving to go backstage.

   Sweet pea just silently approached me once Jughead left, looking shameful and embarrassed. He brought his lips to my ear and I felt my stomach churn.

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