can't get out of this

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   "I'm sorry— what the fuck."

   "Well you knew Elena had a doppelgänger," Klaus said raising his chin up, trying to push me.

   Surprise surprise: I did not want to be pushed right now.

   "Wait, jughead, so the katherine that is your boss... she's the devil? And also Elena's doppelgänger?" Jughead nodded while dryly licking his lips.

   "Well aren't y'all in a pickle," I laughed a bit, continuing to clean myself of the blood I spawned.

   They all looked at each other, Elena fiddling with her fingers nervously, and Damon scoffing with a step forward.

   "You think you're out of this miss trailer park? This is just the beginning. And if you think even for a second, that you're getting out of this scott free, you're even more naive then you look." Before Damon can continue, jughead stepped in front of Damon, who was slowly making his way toward me.

   "Shut the hell up, Damon. Leave her out of this." Damon looked Jughead up and down and he crossed his arms.

   "And why should I, little brother?" Um what the fuck. I thought they were just relatives.

   "I would never bring Elena into this, Damon." Damon raised his lip a bit and gave Elena a quick glance before turning back to Jughead. Their eyes met and I could tell this wasn't their first stare-down.

   "Well Elena can actually handle herself. Unlike this greaser snake you brought back." Jughead stepped closer to damon, clenching his jaw.

   "Do you wAnT mE tO FUCK YOU UP?" Jugheads voice rose more with each word and I could tell by Damon's expression, shit was about to go down.

   I stood up quickly.

   "Boys! Calm down. I don't know if this is a fight for leadership or dominance, but I, nor anyone else in this room wants any part of it— I'm sure." I look to everyone. Elena shoots me wide eyes and looks back at the boys.

   "And as for you, mister king of the douches," I stepped closer to Damon, making Jughead move aside, "I can handle myself. Probably better than you can handle 'hunger'." I walked backward a step to watch his fierce expression, and I turned around on my heel, storming off to god knows where.

   I found myself outside, seconds later. It was dark, yet still raining— but lightly.

   "Hey there, angel. That was pretty cool what you did out there." I looked behind my shoulder to shoot Jughead a disapproving look.

   "I mean— you were pretty cool. I've never seen you so confident, and to a vampire? Impressive, princess." The word he was saying.... I can't bare it.

   "What did he mean by what he said, jughead? That I can't get out of this." Jughead looked around the patio we were on, attempting to diss the question.

   "You're the doppelgänger's sister. And now that we know that you have... this... special ability or whatever, you're direly wanted. You're needed."

   As appealing as it sounds to be needed, I was scared out of my mind what it meant for me.

   "When I searched my mind... I found you. And... I called out to you. Did you feel that?" He looked at the ground, a smile forming on his lips.

   "Yeah... yeah, I felt that." He looked up into my eyes, waiting a moment before speaking again.

   "How did you do that?" I shook my head. "I don't know. I just... did." He nodded slowly, not quite understanding. Truth be told, I didn't either.

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