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   Veronica finally awoke to a god awful burning. She opened her eyes, almost screaming when she realized something was being held to her face as an effect of this pain.

   She flinched away from the.. leaf? Veronica somehow got herself upright in the corner of wherever the hell she was.

   "Wha— Katherine?" The powerful brunette gently pulled away from the young girl. Katherine began to fiercely stride around Veronica like a predator looking at it's prey. She had a wide grin as Veronica shuddered in fear.

   "Good morning my moonstone. Did you have a good rest?" Veronica swallowed quickly.

"What do you want from me? Where the hell am I?" Katherine just laughed. "Does it matter?" Veronica stayed silent.

"I don't understand," Veronica mumbled. "You don't need to," Katerina answered, holding out a hand. Veronica narrowed her eyes and Katherine stretched her hand more with wide eyes.

Veronica grabbed on and surprisingly, Katherine actually helped her up. The raven haired princess stood staring at the devil.

"Oh, hun, what the hell are you wearing?" Veronica looked down to see her tattered clothing with slits, holes, tears, dirt, and smudges.

"Uh, it's kind of complicated," Veronica replied, not wanting to give her the full story.

"Well let's get you out of that and into something more worthy. I can't have you being seen with me wearing that." Veronica furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean, 'being seen with you'?"

"Just follow me, V."

"Where are we going?"

"To my wardrobe."


"Where the hell did she go?"

Jughead was sitting on the edge of the bed, in the verge of ripping his hair out.

"I bet it was that slut," Damon spit. Elena was rocking back and forth in deep thought.

"Katherine. It just had to be Katherine," Damon yelled.

"What are we going to do?", Caroline screeched.

"We have to meet Enzo." Everyone turned to Elena's voice.


"Veronica was told by Stefan that Enzo was going to be here at like 9, right? Well let's meet him!" Elena stood with a smile growing on her face.

"Are you crazy?," Jughead screamed at her. "Veronica is out there somewhere, with the devil! And you're worried about Enzo?"

"Jughead, listen to me." Jughead calmed down the best he could. "If we talk to Enzo, then he can tell us where Bonnie is. She can do a locater spell on Veronica!" Jughead leaned back with smugness on his face.

"There's only one flaw in your plan, Elena," Damon interrupted.

"How the hell are we supposed to talk to Enzo?"

"Exactly," Caroline put her head in her hands.

"I have an idea," Elena smirked.


   Veronica was led to a huge room filled with dark yet gorgeous clothing, high heels (or high hells as Katherine likes to call them), and stunning accessories.

   Veronica entered the closet in wide-eyed awe. Katharine leaned up against the wall with pride

   "I still don't know where the hell we are," Veronica reminded Katherine.

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