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   Not even two minutes into the ride, Jughead turns to me and gives me an almost disgusted look.

   "Ew. Why the hell isn't your hair up?" I gave him a confused look then I felt through my hair and realized that my hair band must've broke and gotten lost in the rain.

Things couldn't be better.

"Guess I lost it. But glad you like it," I said sarcastically.

Welp. Guess I'm going back to scrunchies. Not that I even have enough money for those anyway, but I could just ask Cheryl for one. Oh yeah, I forgot, we're not on speaking terms anymore.

"Why'd you stop and pick me up? And why were you even driving around the Northside anyway?" He just sighed.

   "Doesn't matter. What matters is that you're safe." I jerked my head to him and saw his stone cold expression.

   "What?" He turned to me with the same face, then burst out in laughter.

   "Oh, sorry, I tried the best I could, but I just couldn't keep a straight face." I clenched my jaw out of anger.

   "And here i was thinking you could be a decent human for once." He calmed down his laughter and cleared his throat.

   "No, seriously, you looked like you were gonna die, and if you die, how am I supposed to torture you?" I shook my head in disbelief and looked out my window to ignore him.

   Should've known that wouldn't last.

   "Wanna hear what happened at the wyrm?" He was referring to the king part of it all, and frankly, I didn't want to hear it.

   "Well since you asked," I rolled my eyes and then rolled my head around the seat to face him.

   "I talked with um, my dad, and I'm going to be king. Tomorrow." My head perked up unhappily and in shock.

   "What? T-tomorrow?" He nodded at me with a tight lipped smile and I just scoffed while my eyes drew to the window again.

   "Hey I know you're sad about this, but look on the bright side." I looked up at the roof of his car.

   "Oh, and what would that be," I asked uninterestedly.

   "You said it's a big responsibility. At least now you don't have it." I shook my head and denied his words again.

   "You don't understand, do you Jughead? I've wanted this since kindergarten. I've been preparing for this since the first day of school. Since Toni told me about the serpents and what they were for and what they did. This was supposed to be my legacy."

   "Yeah, well now it's mine." I looked at him with so much rage I couldn't even explain.

   "Go to hell," I said looking the other way again.

   "Yeah, well I'm going there anyway, so." Despite his weird remarks I kept my eyes on the fierce rain that had yet to stop or even slow down. I've never seen this in Riverdale.

   "See you there, Lodge."


   "We're here." I lazily turned my attention to jughead and he faked smiled at me while waiting for me to acknowledge him.

   "Finally. I can't stand another minute being in such a small space with you." I quickly got out of the car and made my way to the wyrm.

   Only it wasn't the wyrm, it was Pops Chocklit' Shoppe.

   Not wanting to get caught in the rain, I sprinted to the small space near the door that was hidden from the rain, and looked at jughead who was getting out of his car and casually making his way to me.

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