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I lay on my stone cold, hard as rock bed, staring at the ceiling of my empty cell. I asked them if I could explain myself, but they chose not to let me. They said we'd do it tomorrow, but god knows if I'll ever get out of here.

The attempted to confiscate my jacket, but I refused to hand it away. My jacket is the only thing I have left now. That, and my humanity.

I wish I didn't even have humanity anymore. I wish I could shut it off. If only there was a switch because I don't think I can take this much pain for much longer.

How long had it been? 2 hours? 5 hours? A day? I had no idea, I was already losing track of time.

I just wanted to explain. But even if they gave me a chance, who's to say I would even be able to tell them? I can't even tell a man who's like a father to me.

How will I put it? He was bullying me. Then everyone would have to know. I didn't want anyone to know I was weak. Cause according to some serpents, weak isn't even in my vocabulary. That's why I held the knife in Jughead's face, so he'd know I wasn't weak and scared of him. Even though that's exactly what I was.

   Snapping me out of my thoughts and daydreams, was the sound of a guard.

   "Hey Southside, got some visitors." I turned my head, not bothering to move another inch, when I saw Cheryl, Toni, and Fangs enter. At the sight of their worried faces, I sat up straight and turned to them.

   I wanted to run to them, but I was honestly embarrassed about everything that happened today.

   "Oh my god V!" Cheryl yelled as a sad expression crossed her face. "Don't worry guys, I'm fine." They looked to each other. "Care to explain?" Fangs asked uncertain about the whole situation.

   "I'd rather not," I said faking a smile. "Are you okay?" Toni asked sympathetically.

   "Guys I really don't think you should be here," I said faking another smile. They were now confused and they furrowed their eyebrows. "Why not? We're trying to figure out why our best friend is in jail," Cheryl said, edging at anger.

   "Because I don't want to talk about it. With anyone. And I... I can't," I was starting to become furious with the questions, and the thoughts rushing through my head.

   "Veronica.." Toni said after a small gasp. "Was it.." She trailed off waiting for my response. I just laid back down on the bed.

   "Oh my god," Cheryl said catching on. Fangs was confused and gave us a face. He started to say something, but another voice echoed through the abandoned halls.

   "Where is she?" At the sound of such a familiar voice, I rushed to the bars and gripped them tightly, trying to look behind them to see who it was.

   He rushed up to us at the cell, and saw me looking just like a jail burden. Wonderful.

   Fp has the angriest and most shocked face I've ever seen.

   "Veronica?" He asked through gritted teeth. I stepped back and looked to the ceiling to prevent tears that were once again forming.

   "What in hell happened?" He asked slowly with anger. I just shook my head, trying to dodge the question.

   "Answer me girl!" He yelled so loud it continued ringing through my eardrums. "Your damn son happened!" I yelled back, hoping to have the same effect.

   But by the anger in his face, it didn't. "What the fuck did you do now Veronica?" He yelled. I sat back on the bed. "Your son is the worst human being on the planet!" I yelled standing up back up in defense. "Why are you putting this on Jughead?" He yelled back. Fangs was startled by all the yelling and rage.

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