soulmates' intuition

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   "Are you okay? Jughead talk to me!"

   "WAAAHHHHHHH. EH-EH. EEEPPHH. EPPPPPEGGHH. AUHUAHAH." Jughead was bawling, eyes bleeding along with his open mouth. Due to his tongue removal, he couldn't speak. All he could do was make loud and incompetent sounds. Which weren't at all helpful. Although they were hilarious.

   Veronica and Katherine were giggling in the background as Jughead cried like a little boy who had just found out Santa Claus wasn't real.

   Lol. My tongue touched that tongue, Veronica thought, looking over to the tongue they had brought in from outside.

   "Jughead, calm the hell down, okay? Your crying isn't helping anything! Your tongue will heal. It'll grow back, Jug. Be grateful you were a vampire before the Crusnik transition, or else you'd just be tongueless," Elena told him. Damon and Caroline stood nearby, ready to be of assistance if needed. Jughead took deep breaths as it felt like a snake was slithering up with throat.

   Everyone cringed as they saw the blood bound thing grow to its normal rate.

   Once everything was normal in Jughead's mouth, he rushed away from them.

   "Jughead you can't just leave like this again!" Yet Jughead just continued toward the door.

   "Jughead Jones I will not let you walk out of that door again," Damon called out. Damon zoomed in front of him and put a hand to his chest.

   Jughead forced a laugh with his new tongue, and he cracked his neck a bit, tilting it.

   Then, with one swift whoosh, Jugheads hand went into Damon's chest, grazing his heart.

   "Damon!" Elena yelled, while Caroline screamed, "Jughead!"

   Damon looked at his relative with a clenched jaw, trying to see through the pain.

   "I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to. You know why? Because I'm going to fucking die." Jughead took his hand out of Damon's chest, letting the vampire breathe.

   Jughead zoomed out of the Pembroke, leaving them with the Hell trio.

   As Jughead stepped foot by Sweetwater River after having sped there, he reached inside his pocket one last time.

   The stake was still there.

   Whilst everyone was in the midst of retrieving Jughead's tongue, he had retrieved the stake from the ground after Katherine dismissed it.

   He needed a walk. What he was calling a Suicide Walk. To relive, remember, and reminisce about all the good and bad memories in his life.

   Thirty minutes.

   After that thirty minutes, he was going to do it.


   "Hey, Kath, can we get going now?"

   "Are you kidding? I haven't tasted red yet," she smiled, making her way upstairs.

   Whether Katherine meant blood, Cheryl, or Archie, it didn't really matter. Katherine didn't want to leave, so that was that. Might as well be carved in stone.

   Stefan leaped upstairs and took a room that rightfully suited him with beige walls and a dark bedsheet.

   Veronica rolled her eyes and made her way to a random room, seeing and sensing that Damon, Elena, and Caroline were on their way to try and flip her humanity.

   She closed and locked the door, seeing as though it'd be enough indication that she'd snap their necks if they entered.

   Finally turning around, Veronica met eyes with the black silted room.

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