the woods

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   "Veronica? Are you okay?"

   I ignored their questions and ran to the window to see nobody at the bottom. I still don't understand everything about... what he is.

   "I-he-" my words wouldn't come out. It was as if they couldn't. Just like when I wanted to tell Cheryl and Toni about the glimpse I saw of Jugheads eyes.

"Veronica, are you alright?" Betty and Archie engulfed me in a worried hug and led my shaking body back to her room.

"Betty what was that about?" Betty took a sigh as we all adjusted.

"My family- we're witches." I widened my eyes. Archie furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.

"What do you mean you're witches?" She took a deep and thoughtful breath.

"I mean— we're witches." I looked at Archie with big eyes.

"Like, spell-bound, potion brewing, caldron witches?" Betty hesitated a minute at my question.

"Yes. Well— not exactly. I mean, we do spells, but not really potions. What I just did, I shouldn't have done."

"Well, what did you do?," Archie asked, still in shock. Same though. I mean, I knew the cooper family was weird but witches?

"I tried to summon... someone." I raised my eyebrows.

"What the fuck? What do you mean you tried to summon someone?" Archie was ballistic now.

"Let's just not talk about that. It was a stupid thing to do. Especially alone and around my friends." I took a deep breath and swallowed hard. This is all too much.

"Betty, listen, I should go." I stood up and Betty yanked on my arm. "No, please don't V, I'm so sorry." I frowned.

"No, I'm just tired and... I think I need some time to myself right now." I stormed out of her room and down the stairs, but I heard two sets of footsteps following me.

"V! Please stay." I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and I turned around.

Except I didn't. I couldn't. Even though my brain and my heart and me— even though I wanted to turn around and stay the night, every muscle in my body seemed to be pulling me out of the house. Not like I was forcefully being dragged, but like I just had to leave. Like I had to leave and go to...

The woods.

Why did I want to go to the woods? Why was everything in me telling me to go to the woods?

I walked out of the house without saying another word. Betty and Archie had given up on me. But from what I understand about Jughead is that even if Archie wanted to leave, he couldn't.

I didn't even know where the woods were. I had never been there. I had an idea, but I had no real memory or notion of where to go. But my body knew. My muscles did. My eyes did.

On my way to.. the woods, I heard voices. I heard a very distinctive English accented voice scraping its way into my brain.

'You have magic blood, she has magic eyes.'

Whoever it was, they were talking to someone. I had a flash in my brain; except it wasn't in my brain like a memory, it was a living sequel. I could see the man. He was fairly tall with dusty blonde hair and a scrubby beard. His mouth was curled up into a plump-lipped smirk and he seemed almost proud. But I could faintly see the nervousness in his green eyes.

I stood still for a moment, watching the vision play in front of me. There was no background, just the person who's name I did not know.

What the hell does this mean?

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