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I was walking down the dirt road with a very annoying and ranting Jughead following behind me.

"So what happens? Do they place a snake crown on my head and throw a cape around me or something?" I rolled my eyes and tried to calm down the anger that began bubbling inside of me.

"No. That is not what happens." My voice was stern, and I tried to hint to him that he should shut up his annoying mouth. He didn't take the hint- per usual.

"I do get a thrown bough, right?" I sighed and took a deep breath.

"You could call it a thrown is suppose." I heard a quiet, 'yes!', from behind me but ignored his idiocy. Then, he groaned loudly.

"Are we almost there?" He sounded like an impatient child.

"Can you give me a second? Like, just give me a minute of silence." I sorta snapped at him, but did I care? The answer hasn't changed.

"Fine, princess." He scoffed and surprisingly stayed quiet until- by my lead- we eventually arrived at the infamous: white wyrm.

"This is the wyrm?" He was utterly disgusted and shocked. Guess his rich and spoiled side was kicking in.

"What? Rethinking things?" I raised my brow slightly in a mocking type of way and he shook his head, not taking his eyes off the building.

"Nope, I just think.. the name fits the appearance very well." I rolled my eyes again and he walked past me strutting towards the entrance without a care in the world. Gratefully, I caught up to him in time.

"You do remember we just broke out of jail, right?," I asked, catching his arm just in time.

"A bit melodramatic, don't you think? It wasn't jail, it was a tiny fake prison run by a highly idiotic and irresponsible police officer." He yanked him arm away from me and I stared him down with 'the evil eye.'

"Fine." He sighed exhaustedly and disappointedly. I gave a fake smile as he burst through the front doors off the wyrm, with me following behind him. But that jackass flung the doors open, making one of them ricochet back and almost hit me. Thankfully, I dodged it.

He smiled, and as if the door throwing hadn't caught us enough attention, he throws his arms up in the air and does what i was not expecting.

"Sup bitches! We just escaped from prison!" My eyes went wide and my immediate reaction was to kick his shin.

"Damn Lodge, what the hell?" He angrily pushed me aside and strut his stuff as all eyes fell on him with shock and slight.... envy? Was it— no. It was hate and disgust.

Who was he to walk into our bar and act like he owns the place? But technically, he would own it soon.

"Hey papa. Wassup dawg?" I caught up the clueless imbecile as he attempted to fist-bump Fp.

Fp on the other hand just stared at him with... basically what everyone else was showing towards the coward. Jughead noticed his dad's hatred.

"No? Okay then," Jughead slowly lowered his hand back to his side.

"You two idiots did what?" Fp was furious already, and Toni, fangs, and Cheryl joined in the back, staring at us with wide eyes.

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