i don't really care

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"Woah, woah, woah there, Lodge," he gripped my arm tightly, pulling me back to face him.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, her boyfriend is standing in front of you." I scoffed and made a disgusted face.

   "Ew! Are you serious?" He slightly deflated at my comment of disgust.

   "Fine. Be my guest, Lodge. Go raise hell." He pushed me froward, letting go of my most definitely bruised arm.

I flipped him off behind my back, and flashed Betty my fake smile. I stood at the front of the table between the booths, staring at both of them with my hands on my hips.

"What is this? Some kind of set-up?" Betty and Archie looked at each other then at me and shook their heads.

"No, we just wanted to catch-up," Betty said softly, trying to convince me. I rolled my eyes.

"Since I'm obviously not important to you, you must've both forgotten everything that's happened between us. Everything you two did to me." They met eyes again and shook their heads.

"No, v, I promise we just-"

"Don't you dare ever call me v again. You lost that privilege years ago," I angrily yelled as soft as I could.

I looked next to me to jughead and back to her. I wanted to get the hell out of here, but he was my only ride.

"Juggy!" Betty jumped out of the seat and ran to jughead, somehow just realizing he was there or something.

"Hey babe-" Jughead was cut off by Betty pressing her lips against his and swinging her arms around his neck.

During their long ass kiss, I found my own seat, taking the place of where Betty was. As little as I wanted to sit with the three of them, it became quite obvious that we weren't leaving anytime soon.

After they finished their 'kiss', Betty walked to my booth and smiled softly at me, wanting me to invite her to sit with me. I scoffed and stared the other direction while gesturing to her to sit or don't sit I don't really care.

She gave a tight-lipped smile and went to sit anyway, but Jughead stopped her.

"Hey babe, can I sit here?" Just to, y'know, keep Lodge in check." Whether his wink was aimed at me or Betty, I think we were both a little worried.

"Y-Yeah, s-sure," Betty stuttered out nervously. Jughead smirked and took a seat next to me, making me- by habit- scoot closer to the window.

But of course that just made him want to get closer to me. My body was squished up against the window and I decided if I just sat up straight it was be at least somewhat more comfortable.

"So, v, I mean, uh, so, Veronica, how are the serpents," she said the name of my gang with slight disgust she tried to hide. Well she failed because I saw right through it.

"I don't know, ask your boyfriend." Jughead shot her a deadly look I exchanged smugly.

"Juggy? Uh, what is she talking about?" Jughead took a deep breath and leaned across the table.

"Oh, yeah, I'm joining the serpents." Archie for the first time spoke up making a loud appalled sound.

"Dude? You know their trash, right?"

"Hey! Say anything bad about the serpents one more time, I swear to god I will knock out your teeth!" I started to climb over the table to which Jughead yanked me back down with his arm aggressively.

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