undying,, wild thing

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   The next three months were the hardest three months for any of them.

   Fp had felt out of place. Not exactly because Jughead died, but because of what Veronica was. He saw them drinking blood, and the way their eyes changed, and he felt so peculiar having known Veronica was just like them. The once innocent Serpent he's known for years was a vampire.

   Fangs had been putting his energy into Sweet Pea, who he had developed feelings for. Sweet Pea, actually being a big softie, also built up a care for him.

   And surprisingly, not so surprisingly, Cheryl and Toni did the same as Swangs.

   Bonnie had been forming a friendship with Katherine- I know, what a shocker- whilst also fixing up her current friendships with Elena and Caroline.

   They had all found out that Bonnie had done what she did in Betty's house because Enzo was threatened.

   However Elena couldn't completely get over it. She forgave Bonnie, it was understandable, after all, but she could never forget it. Elena leaned on Damon's shoulder the whole three months, using him as an emotional shield.

   Caroline went out of her way to find a fellow vampire in New Orleans. A couple long weeks after The Incident, Caroline drunkly called him up, asking if he has the peanut butter for her jelly. The alcohol really took a toll on her. She took drinking up as a hobby after having to cope with one of her best friends' dying, while also watching Stefan and Katherine happily spend their time together in total bliss— Stefan flipped his switch— and doing all of this alone.

   Klaus answered Caroline, though, finding out what happened to Jughead, and offering his condolences. That's when Drunk Caroline totally took over, and she asked if she could stay with him. Of course, Klaus being completely in love with her, took her up on her offer and rushed to Riverdale to pick her up as soon as possible.

   They've been traveling the world together since then.

   Katherine didn't give a shit about it. She was genuinely affected for about an hour or so, then went back to being, well, Katherine.

   Her boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore, flipped his switch, knowing he couldn't take it. He just caved. He almost didn't, he almost stayed strong for Veronica, to be there for her, but he knew he was of no use. She had to figure her way through this on her own. And once he saw the state his brother was in, he knew he couldn't do it. If he turned it off, he wouldn't have to deal with and be held responsible for keeping Damon from also flipping his switch.

   But Damon, he was kept on his toes by Elena, who he had put in all his time to. They grew quite... close. If you know what I mean. Damon and Elena moved themselves in to the Pembroke to keep watch on Veronica.

   Betty stayed night after night with Archie to keep her mind off of her ex. And this really helped Archie not to think about his dead step-brother. But soon enough, Betty found out that she couldn't function without Archie. And seeing the pain Veronica was in everyday made it hard for her, thinking that maybe one day she would lose Archie. So she spent every minute of every day with him, meaning she's also staying at the Pembroke.

   Archie wished for a split while after Jughead died that he was a vampire so he could shut it off. He was my brother- how did I not know? I should've known, I should've asked and cared and been a better brother. Even in spite of what he is. And with everyone moving in to his home, Archie was overwhelmed.

But no where near as overwhelmed as one particular brunette was.

Yes, I am indeed referring to who you've all been waiting to hear about.

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