our house

528 37 19

I was now back in my seat, waiting for 6 AM when I can finally get out of this dreadful town. 7 whole hours since the exposed throat incident, and I still want to leave on a bus.

That oughta tell you something.

My phone had been blowing up with notifications. From Cheryl, Toni, fangs, Fp, and even sweet pea. But nothing from jughead. I guess I gave him too much credit once again. He also must've told them all because I didn't say a word.

I threw my head back the bench, waiting for them to board us. That's when I heard a booming voice through the intercom.

"Attention everyone on bus 1782 to New York, New York. I am sorry to say, your bus has been in an accident, and we will be unable to transport you to New York. The next bus out will be tomorrow at noon. Thank you."

I couldn't believe it. I could not believe it. First some guy gets his throat ripped out, then the second bus is canceled? I cant wait another day, I just can't.

I don't know what to do though. I'm not going back home, that's for sure. I just have no idea what to do or where to go. That's when I heard a familiar voice.

"Yes, one bus ticket to Chicago, please....What? That bus was canceled? Why?.... a crash? With the bus to New York? You've got to be fucking kidding me..... when's the next one?.... fine. I'll wait." He turned around to find a seat and then our eyes locked.

I had been staring at him the whole time he was talking, and he caught me. Only he didn't look away either.

It felt like we were just staring into each other's eyes forever. He stood still, not moving a muscle. That's when he began to walk away from the concession stand, and past me.

Maybe I was a sucker for thinking that he would greet me or something.

I got up to leave, grabbing my bag and heading out the door of the bus station.
Until someone held me back.

I spun my head to see him. I decided to play it cool and not start just a causal conversation. Considering I should hate his guts. But like I said before, I'm a very forgiving person.

"What do you want, Andrews?" He released my arm quickly, which I was not at all used to. And he hadn't even held it tight, just something to get me to turn around.

"Come on, Lodge. Don't act so casual. You know you were just staring at me," a smirk began to grow on his face.

"You were too. Now what do you want, I was trying to leave." I have no idea where I was going to go, but I was sure as hell going to leave.

"May I ask what you're doing here at 6 in the morning?" He crossed his arms and i mimicked him.

"May I?" He stood there silent for a second. "What?" I rolled my eyes.

"May I ask what you're doing here?" He nodded and took a deep breathe before looking around almost nervously.

"If you'd care to join me in a nightcap?" He suggested. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he held up two bottles of water. I just had to smile.

"Fine, Andrews. But just one. I don't wanna get too turnt up- it's only 6 in the morning." He chuckled a bit and sat down, gesturing for me to join him. I did. What did I have to lose?

"Wait, so wouldn't it be called a morning-cap?" He smiled and held back a laugh as he popped open the water and handed it to me.


Archie Andrews was more of a hidden mystery than anyone would make him out to be. He was honestly kind of a sad mystery too.

He was at the bus station because of his parents. His mom lives in Chicago, and his dad went to visit her to finalize the divorce papers,- because apparently they got married and divorced again-but there was a shooting and he was in the hospital in critical condition. He just found out this morning around 5, and he hauled ass to the bus station to catch a ride. The next bus was coming in at noon. Same time as mine.

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