magic eyes// all better

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   "Veronica," Damon started, "meet Caroline, and Bonnie." He gestured to each girl.

   I just stood there looking down on their eager faces. I rolled my eyes and followed forward.

   "I woke up for this?," I asked Damon. He shrugged.

   "We know how you are seeing the dead," Jughead appeared.

   "Oh look who it is. The apple of my eye," I said sarcastically.

   "Am I missing something?," the girl supposedly named Caroline asked.

   "Well, Care, Veronica is... the one I chose." Caroline rolled her eyes at Jughead.

   "Oh god, jug. You're such an idiot!" Jughead turned to her defensively. "I didn't know she was the doppelgänger's sister!" I stood up quickly.

   "Oh shut up! Can someone just tell me how the hell I can see Stefan and Enzo? Well, the dead in general," I said loudly to everyone.

   "Wait, you saw Stefan?"

   "What, you saw Enzo?"

   The two new girls spoke at the same time. Bonnie. I remembered her name.

   "Your enzos girls right?" Bonnie nodded with tears in her eyes.

   "And.... Stefan is your...," i trailed off when I looked at Caroline.

   "He was, my husband." She looked at the ground, clearly getting emotional.

   "Okay, can someone please tell me something before I make everyone else a sobbing mess?"

   "Okay, so basically," Elena started, coming out of nowhere, "you're my sister— the doppelgänger's sister. And our hypothesis was right, I have magic blood, and you do quote on quote have, magic eyes."

   "You can see and speak to the dead," Jughead interrupted, "You can also resist compulsion with vervain in your system. So if you were already compelled and you'd drink vervain, you could get out of the compulsion." I nodded.

   "But due to our further research," Damon verbally barged in, "We also found that if you really want to, you and your magic eyes, could break the compulsion with just your mind. Do you get that?" I slowly nodded.

   "Before I saw you two," I looked to Elena, then realizing someone wasn't here. "Wait, where's Klaus?" Elena immediately looked to Caroline, alarmed.

   "Klaus was here?" Elena brushed off Caroline's shocked tone, "he left."

   "Anyway, before I saw you guys and I was on my way to the woods for, whatever reason, I had voices in my head. And it was yours. Then I saw it play out in front of me. Like, movie, but it was just you, no background. I saw you, and you said something like, 'sister? I have a sister?'"

   "And when you like, mentally found me," Jughead added, clearly wanting to smirk and tell everyone.

   "Yeah, I also saw you, doing your little speed thing to me or whatever. Like I could touch the picture playing out in front of me," I said looking at the red and gold carpet.

   "Anyway, let's not talk about that."

    "Well, are you all rested now?" Damon asked fake smiling at me. "Oh, yeah," I replied sarcastically.

   Jughead looked annoyed at our mere interaction.

   "Well, then let's get this show on the road," he said shooting up from his chair.

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