way too close

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Jughead sit, staring into the blazing fire of the Salvatore mansion, a glass of straight bourbon in his right hand. His glossy blue eyes gazed into the burning flames, and his relative stand behind him, observing the boy.

"You okay, jug?" Jughead let out a low laugh.

"Just peachy, Damon, thanks for asking." Damon took a seat next to Jughead, placing his hand lightly on the boy's shoulder.

"What you did earlier—"

"Was stupid and careless," Jughead interrupted, annoyingly glancing at Damon, "yeah, I already know what you're going to say. Spare me of your big brother lecture."

"No," Damon said. "I wasn't going to say that." Jughead turned slightly back toward him. "I was going to say that what you did was understandable."

"If Elena died, I don't know if I would ever be able to go on, normally. It's just not right. So I understand if you need some time to yourself."

"Thanks," Jughead replied, mixed emotions running throughout his body.

Jughead impaled himself— right through the heart. And Damon had rushed to his aid.

But Jughead couldn't die, he can't die.

Since he's been working for Katherine, he's had total immortality. Not even a stake through the heart could kill him. Well, it does, but he would just come back to life after a mere hour or so. Although no one knew if Jughead was going to come back after the doppelgänger's sister died. Jughead didn't even know.

But he still took the risk, because he wanted to die.

He was looking forward to it.

What's life without her?

   "Hey, um have you heard from Bonnie," Damon attempted to change the subject.

   "No, why?"

   "No one has seen or heard from her since the girls were in Riverdale. She was with Betty at Betty's house before Veronica..."

   Jughead clenched his jaw, looking down at the glass in his hands. He controlled his breathing so he didn't lose himself again.

   "Well, if we can find her, we can probably figure out more about... what really happened-"

   "Okay, find Bonnie, or don't find Bonnie, I don't give a fuck, Damon! Nothing's going to bring her back," Jughead raised his voice, his angry tone cracking at the end.

   Damon nodded understandingly and removed his hand from his relatives shoulder.

   "Y'know Katherine now has full power over Stefan. She now has power over anyone who was stuck. Any supernatural being that was in between." Damon shook his head.

   "Katherine finally got what she wanted." There was a short silence before Jughead stood up, tension radiating off of him.

   "That bitch always fucking gets what she wants!"

   Jughead took his glass of bourbon, throwing it into the fire. The fire erupted into more flames, which only barely grazed over the carpet, teasing Damon's mind thinking a fire would occur.

   Jughead stumbled backward in a fit of heavy breathing. He fell backward on the couch, instantly putting his head in his hands.

   Damon stood and stepped away quickly. He knew he had somehow over stepped a boundary. He bit his lip regretfully and made his way to the doorway.

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