you don't understand

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   Veronica's eyes fluttered open, the natural bright light seeping through the dark open curtains.

   The girl attempted to close her eyes and drift back to sleep, but the light was too glaringly hurtful.

   She lazily looked to her left, her eyes finding their way on the ceiling due to her weight on her right side and shoulder.

   Veronica pushed her shoulder over, staring at the fan for a quick second before closing her eyes and turning again to put her pressure on her left side.

   She kept her eyes closed for a moment, trying to mentally accept herself as what she now is before having to get up, go out, and act as if she's normal.

   And she wished she had never opened her eyelids, for once she did, she was met with dark raven hair.

   She'd recognize that beautiful heavenly head of thick hair anywhere.

   She opened her mouth, letting out a very light gasp she prayed he didn't hear.

   She rolled over again, staring at the top of the room, her chest rising and falling with fear of her thoughts.

   She lightly grazed her 'day-light' ring, closing her eyes again to silently pray.

   It's not like any holy being will listen to me anyway now that I am what I am, Veronica thought grimly.

   Veronica took a deep breath before lifting up the comforter to find that she was completely undressed.

   Quickly flinging it down, she wanted to scream out loud, but did her best to hold it in. She soon found she hadn't hidden it very well.

   "Good morning, angel."

   Veronicas head snapped to him. He didn't move an inch.

   "What? I— y-you're awake?" There was a low snicker from the prince, and he finally turned to her, forcing her to scoot a bit. She then instinctively grabbed the sheet and held it close to her chest.

   "Yeah. I have been for the past two hours." Jughead fully faced her and leaned on his right elbow.

   "What? T-that's weird," Veronica stuttered out nervously. She had never been in this situation before— she had never been in a situation even remotely similar.

   "No, not really," he smiled at her, looking from her chin to her forehead. He didn't dare look away for quite a while.

   "You're staring," Veronica reluctantly said, her eyebrows narrowed, she looked his face up and down again.

   "It's creepy," she continued, her expression only growing more confused and weirded-out.

   "It's romantic," Jughead corrected. He brought his hand to her face, softly stroking her cheek with the pad of his thumb. Jughead mentally smiled at the remembrance of what his relative had taught him.

   Veronica and Elena were just as similar as Jughead and Damon.

   Veronica flinched her face away from his touch, memories flooding back to her from last night. She was scared of falling back into him again.

   However, she would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

   Jugheads hand quickly wrinkled up into a balled fist when she pulled away. His smirk stood in place.

   "Uh, I uh, I need to go," Veronica choked out, ready to get out of the bed.

   "Princess," Veronica turned to look at him and his voice, "forgetting something?"

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