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{3rd person pov}

Jughead had disappeared as fast as he could.

As if it hadn't hurt enough to see Veronicas hate for him literally grow before his own eyes and watch her start a lifetime of continuous darkness, he had also been rejected by the raven-haired princess.


He was already changing her and she wasn't even trying. He didn't want to change. He wanted to show her who he really is. And he wanted to be himself with her.

So he was going to do something about it.

It was already 4 in the morning, but lucky for Jughead, the sun was only a helpful factor.

He needed time to plan. He needed time to retrieve his idea. It was all the way back in riverdale. And when he went back, he had a lot of work to do.

Mentally and physically— he had to prepare to win the girl.

So, once he heard Veronica go down to sleep, he rushed to his 'brother.'

"Damon, Damon!," Jughead whisper-yelled while running over to the dark knight with bourbon.

"What's up lil brother?" Jughead was almost out of breath even thought he was fast and diligent.

   Elena and Caroline stood nearby, watching in anticipation.

   "I need your help with something," Jughead breathed out between heaves.

   Damon looked to the girls who widened their eyes for a moment before nodding and walking away with simultaneous eye rolls.

   "Dude, what's up? We were talking about Bonnie-"

   "We need to go to riverdale."

   "What?" Damon's eyes narrowed and his head fell back a little in annoyance and confusion.

   "The town where the rain never stops?— for some odd reason..."

   "Yes. That town. We need to go there today— soon. We're all going to go there tonight, but you and me need to get there because I—"

   Jughead paused for a moment, eyes flickering with pride and happiness.

   "I have a plan."


   Caroline and Elena entered the living room to find Veronica glaring at the fire.

   The small brunette just turned around with a small smile building on her lips.

   "H-hey," Veronica stuttered while unconsciously rapidly tapping her foot and scratching her forehead.

   "What's that?," Elena asked with a tiny grin. Veronica looked around them saw her hands fidgeting with each other's fingers, cracking her phalange bones.

   "O-oh, this?" Veronica let out a low laugh and insecurely stuffed her hands into a tight arm cross.

   "It's nothing." The other two girls looked to each other for a moment, unsure. "So what's up?"

   "We were wondering... well, we know you haven't been up for a while, but do you have any ideas about where Bonnie is?" Veronica thought for a moment and something in her brain clicked.

   "That bitch!"

   Elena's eyebrows went up in her hair while Caroline couldn't help but crack a small smile at her tone.

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