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   "What the hell?," I whisper-yelled at the unaffected Jughead who was pulling me far away from the police station/ mini jail.

   "Veronica, you must never speak of this again, do you understand me?," he turned to me with seriousness and sternness in his eyes.

   "Jughead we have to talk about what happened. I mean, you hit a guy so hard he was knocked unconscious! And he was a police officer!," I yelled at Jughead who was now shushing me.

   "Just shut up okay? Don't make me regret saving your ass," he pulled me into the woods near the station.

   "Saving my ass? Excuse me, but I have no idea what you mean by that, so please elaborate," I sassed as I attempted to keep up with the troubled boy.

   "Um, yeah I saved your ass. I defended you and had your back," he may as well have flipped his hair with the amount of back talk he was giving me.

"For once. I mean, you and I both know that's never happened before. Plus you only reached for the gun because you knew he was going to shoot you because of what we both said," I pointed it out and Jughead stopped in his tracks while I continued to walk.

"He was going for me? I thought," he trailed off and I turned to look at him and hear what he was about to say.

"I thought he was going to aim for you," he said quietly carving up to me. Did he really think that? Was he being sarcastic, or just petty?

"Besides, I didn't hit him that hard anyway," he shrugged it off and I caught up with him.

"Yeah. I'd say hard enough to knock him out for a few hours though," I agreed now walking by his side.

"How would you know?" He rudely asked. I scoffed and shook my head.

"You do remember that I'm in a gang, right?," I asked snatching my jacket he was still holding out of his hand.

   "Oh yeah, right," he suddenly remembered. We continued to walk, when it suddenly hit us that it was pitch black darkness, and that we had no idea where we were going.

   "Uh, where are we?," I asked softly. I tried to look around to see where we were for any signs or anything, but it was so dark I saw nothing.

   "I have no idea," he said also looking for some clue to where the hell we were.

   "Dammit Jughead," I angrily said stomping to the woods. He just chuckled behind me.

   "Sorry, we were just so caught up in our conversation," he laughed a little and ran up to me.

   "Let's just find somewhere to sleep for the night," I pushed past him and continued to charge into the woods.

   After what seemed like miles of walking, I tripped over something. I fell and sadly, I bit the dust. My hand slid and I fell harder than anticipated.

   "Damn, you okay Lodge?" He asked chuckling at my fall. I rolled my eyes and helped myself up since he didn't offer. I guess I was still a little drunk. Or very drunk.

   "I'm fine Jones," I stumbled from tree to tree and was as careful as I could be.

   "You don't seem fine," he watched as I just almost fell over and over again, when finally, we reached... something.

   "Woah," I said looking up to... nothing. What the literal hell? I swear I saw something before.

   "What?" Jughead walked up to me and looked around to nothing.

   "There's nothing here Lodge," Jughead rolled his eyes and scoffed.

   "Can we just sleep here?," I asked tiredly falling to the ground again. He looked around and groaned.

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