not what it looks like

920 38 15

I angrily stomped out of my trailer, grabbing my leather jacket on the way out. I quickly tied my hair in a high and tight ponytail, and threw my jacket on over my black crop top and hopped on my bike.

I was so pissed with Fp. And as much as I wanted to tell him, I couldn't. I couldn't even bring myself to speak about it with my best friends, how was I supposed to tell him? He wouldn't understand anyway. I mean he just found out he had a son who hates the serpents, and to tell him his son bullied and abused one of his own... I don't know what he'd do.

I got to school and parked my bike. My first day back at Riverdale High. Yippee.

I never wanted to come back here. There were too many horrible memories here. Well, actually there weren't, but there was one memory I never wanted to be reminded of.

When Jughead pulled me into the hallway, and forced me to kiss him.

Snapping me out of my thoughts was someone turning me around. Cheryl and Toni. They obviously didn't care about yesterday by the sympathetic look on their face.

"Hey," I said softly. "Hey. You ready to do this?" She asked stroking my shoulder. I took a deep breath and looked to the school. And with a small nod, we all went in.

It was just like how it was three years ago. The hallways were decorated with blue and yellow seals of gold paint. It was so proper and uptight it annoyed the hell out of me. Everyone stopped in their tracks and turned to look at us. Confused, I looked behind us to see the rest of the teen serpents. This is great.

   They obviously all hate us, and now that we're all going to have to be going to school together, they'll hate us even more. If that's even possible.

   I tried to ignore their glances of hatred by walking past them. Toni and Cheryl followed behind me as well as Fangs.

   As we walked around examining the school, an announcement came over the intercom.

   "All students transferring from Southside High, please report to the cafeteria immediately."

   We all made our way with a few smirks from the other kids. Fangs took advantage of it and jumped at them with a low growl. They practically whimpered and backed down from that point forward.

   When we arrived at the cafeteria, most of the serpent were already there. A couple minutes later, they took roll and began their 'lecture.' Principal Weatherbee stood in front of all of us and began speaking.

   "Welcome to Riverdale High. We want to make you feel at home here. We hope you will enjoy it here at our humble school, but first there are a few things we need to discuss first. I won't bother boring you with all the details, but I'll just say the main rules."

   I was already tried of this old man.

   "First of all, remove your jackets."

    Who did this guy think he was. I looked to my fellow serpents and shook my head. There was no way I would take my jacket off for him or anyone at this school. He noticed no one had moved and spoke again.

   "I said remove your jackets." No one listed and we crossed our arms and waited for what he'd say next.

   "I said to remove your jackets-" Fangs cut him off. "You said you wanted this to feel like home, right?" The principal nodded slightly as he continued. "Well our home are these jackets." The principal looked to each of us in defeat, and I smiled proudly at Fangs.

   I then stood and broke the silence. "Now are you done talking about things nobody cares about?" I asked crossing my arms. "Miss Lodge don't speak to me that way-" this time I cut him off. "First of all don't call me Lodge. Secondly, I can speak to you however I want, you know why? I don't care. At all. What will you even do, huh? Send me back to the 'worst school in Riverdale?' Well you can't because it was shut down." The principal was all in all defeated and nervously looked for words until I just walked out of the cafeteria with a flip of my ponytail.

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